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ESP8266 WiFi Demo


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This project could have a number of names... "Give your FPGA some WiFi", "Give your ESP8266 a performance boost" ... among others. The project works "out of the box" with the CMOD-A735T and the Adafruit Huzzah ESP8266 Breakout Board but if you don't own either of these you can still adapt the code to your needs. But you'll have to download the project and read through the material.



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With a lot of effort I was able to prove to myself that their TCP stack port to Microblaze/Zynq does work. But just about anything that Digilent can do I can do better in less time.... not bragging, I'll let my projects do the talking,  I gave up on using the ChipKit a while ago. That's not a to say that it isn't a worth-while product (line), just that for me the effort to do anything useful isn't how I want to spend my time. It's all about supporting your products.

And I appreciate the thank you.

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