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A problem was encountered attempting to get the license for this architecture.


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I am a new user for the Digilent board. I bought a brand new Nexys3 Spartan-6 FPGA Board from Amazon and found out that I needed ISE14.7 license for Spartan-6, while I was compiling a project0_demo from Nexys3 training site.

Do you know if there is a way to work around this license problem?

Thank you very much for helping,


Attached below is the error message:

License path:
FLEXnet Licensing error:-5,357
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation,
available at "www.flexerasoftware.com".
ERROR:Map:258 - A problem was encountered attempting to get the license for this

Design Summary
Number of errors   :   1
Number of warnings :   0

Process "Map" failed


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Hi @Bianca,

I initiated "Acquire a License" through ISE 14.7 Xilinx License Configuration Manager, which connected me to the xilinx.entitlenow.com.

There In Product License page are "Certification Based Licenses" and "Activation Based Licenses" tables. But they are empty.

I am wondering if I need a Voucher to resolve the ISE14.7 issue?
Please advise.

Thank you very much,



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Hi Jon,

I read the document. I had already registered on the Xilinx website. I went through the same license acquiring procedure for Vivado. The product showed up in the license table. However, for the ISE 14.7, the webpack did not show up. The license table was completely blank.

I think that the ISE14.7 is not supported by Xilinx anymore. I will return the Nexys3 to the seller, NKC Electronics.

Thank you,


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