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Basys MX3 tutorials by G Mason, Seattle Uni - cannot access the projects


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I was hoping to work through some of these interesting projects but I find the webpages are down and the link on the Diligent courses page to these tutorials has disappeared. Is this resource no longer available?  If so, it would have been a matter of courtesy to give students a warning and maybe also a fix if they want to finish the course. I know Digilent no longer sells or supports this board, but there was a lot to learn here, with useful code and examples that could be ported to more recent boards.

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Hi @enjay,

I presume you are referring to the Hands On lab materials from the ASEE courses that is listed on the Basys MX3 Resource Center here: https://digilent.com/reference/microprocessor/basys-mx3/start#academic_materials.

From what I can see and as you noted, the website that was hosting appears to have taken then material down (or at least is not available). Unfortunately, I do not appear to have any of the material that was hosted on sumechemical.org downloaded to my local computer. I do not know if the material will be back up (in theory it might be since it is a 503 error), but I don't think Digilent has any contacts with the website owner (or at least I don't have any way to contact them).


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Thanks for your reply. I have emailed Greg Mason but no reply from him as yet. Maybe they are just giving the site a makeover as you implied. I hope so and I hope that Digilent will keep its own microprocessor tutorials up and running or at the very least archived because I, like some other members, refer to them often. (They are very interesting and valuable, by the way, well done).

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For what it's worth, Digilent does not have any plans to archive our existing material on our reference site (and I will personally be making sure our material stays available, if only because I got into this field and even this job because I had worked with the Digilent microcontrollers).

Updating the material for newer toolchains or build flows particularly for microcontrollers/microprocessors that have been retired, is, at best, unlikely to happen.


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