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Xylon LogiCVC-ML Implementation on Zybo



Hi Digilent

I want to Implement LogiCVC-ML IP on VGA Port of Zybo Board. I have not seen any tutorial or UserGuide implementing LogiCVC IP on Zybo Board. Will it be possible to use this IP Zybo Bord. I have Created VIVADO Hardware Project without any error and now I would like to implement Xylon_FB Driver using Petalinux. I saw few entries on adv7511 in driver code, which is not present on Zybo. will it still be possible to run logicvc ip using same driver?


and what if i implement linux system using xylon dram driver? will my ip still work on zybo board?  

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3 answers to this question

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The issue with using that tutorial is that it requires the adv7511 chip found on the ZedBoard. ZYBO doesn't have that chip, so will need to use a different video output pipeline, and also a different device tree configuration.

I've been hoping to try to mess around with the Xylon stuff for a long time now, but just haven't been able to get around to it. So I won't be the greatest help with setting up the video output pipeline, but i can give it a shot. A quick glance at the logicCVC ip core suggests that you should be able to connect it to the processor the same way as with Zedboard, but instead use the parallel video output bus and connect the data, hsync, and vsync pins directly to the VGA port on the ZYBO. Maybe try that and see if it works

I'm not familiar with how their Linux driver looks, but if you post the device tree they suggest for the ZedBoard, I might be able to suggest how to configure it differently to account for the lack of an adv7511 encoder.

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