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Basys 3


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This is my first year teaching with the Basys3. I am not having my students do anything very advanced, just some basic schematic capture. Logic circuits that interact with the LEDs, 7-segment displays, switches, and buttons. We had been using the Basys2, but switched over because ISE Webpack won;t install on newer OS's. 

My question is what is the minimum software I need to have my students install?

Is Vivado WebPack enough?

Do I still need Adept?

Are there any drivers for the Basys 3 that they will need? 

Thanks in advance.

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Hello Labumn,

With Vivado 2015.4 and higher the webpack will provide you with all that you need. You will not need Adept. There are drivers for the Basys 3 that should automaticaly install when the device is plugged in and turned on. Instead of the constraint file being called a ucf file they are called xdc files and can be found here along with some tutorials!




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Unfortunately Vivado does not include schematic capture. Even in the latest versions of ISE the schematic was considered legacy. It was there but they would not update it. The closest thing in Vivado to the schematic from ISE is the Block design but it is a bit different. You have to create the IPs and then interconnect them.



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Since you are talking about Vivado WebPack, I thought I could chime in.  I am hoping that I did everything correctly.  When I get to the end of the installation of Vivado WP 2016.3 The license manager comes up.  ISE WebPack is listed, but not Vivado WebPack.  I know the license is free, but is there a license file that I have to generate?

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