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1608FS Plus Chanel gain queue




I am new user of 1608FS plus. I purchased it and installed DAQami and TracerDAQpro. 

I am measuring voltage using analogue channels. All the channels gives me different values and with DC offset. I was wondering how can I set the proper gains for each channel to get accurate values. There is no option in DAQami or TracerDAQpro.  In addition, how can I choose the Brust and normal sampling? Also, is there any other software (free) I need to install to get control over the signals like in DASYLAB?

Please share your experience. 

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First, you must have a signal connected to the channel. If you leave them unconnected, they will float to a strange value like 1.4 volts. If you are getting started and your sensors have yet to be connected, wire the inputs to analog ground. If you do, they should read close to zero.

Both DAQami and TracerDAQ Pro have a voltage range setting. In the DAQami configuration, select Channels, then click one of the Analog Input channels so that it appears selected. Next to it will be a voltage range and a unit selection. In TracerDAQ Pro, choose DAQ Hardware Settings from the Edit menu. Use the DAQ Range/Mode column to change the voltage range.


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17 hours ago, JRys said:

First, you must have a signal connected to the channel. If you leave them unconnected, they will float to a strange value like 1.4 volts. If you are getting started and your sensors have yet to be connected, wire the inputs to analog ground. If you do, they should read close to zero.

Both DAQami and TracerDAQ Pro have a voltage range setting. In the DAQami configuration, select Channels, then click one of the Analog Input channels so that it appears selected. Next to it will be a voltage range and a unit selection. In TracerDAQ Pro, choose DAQ Hardware Settings from the Edit menu. Use the DAQ Range/Mode column to change the voltage range.


Thank you very much for your kind reply.

I know that during floating each channel show some value. That is not the issue. When I connect different channels to one signal. It show different values. I have attached a screenshot for your reference. I am measuring a 330V signal using a 100:1 probe. So it should show me around 3.3V signal. But it doesn't. There is DC offset and different amplitudes.  

The user manual says something about the "Gain Queue" setting in the software where we can choose gain for different channels. But there is option in DAQami to do that.

In addition, Can you please tell me how to choose the BURSTIO/hardware paced/software paced throughput in software?

Once again thanks for your reply.


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The USB-1608FS-Plus input impedance is approximately 100M ohms, and I suspect your probe is also close to 100M ohms. The probe creates a divider that reduces the measured voltage. The input impedance spec is 100M ohm minimum. Each channel could be different, which may explain the voltage difference. You can test the inputs by connecting them to a battery or a function generator without using the probe. Consider using a transformer to reduce 330 VAC to a more manageable level and minimize the source impedance. 

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