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DAQVIEW Software upgrade from PDAQVIEW

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Hi there,

 I wanted to update an old version of PDaqView software APP running on a Windows 7 machine to a new version DaqView V 9.1.35 to run on a Windows 10 machine.  The Hardware is the Personal Daq\56 module.  Will I be able to use the DaqView Software with this module, since I am struggling to connect it to the hardware device.  It seems I need the drivers for this software to enable connection with the Daq\56 module. The reason I want to use the DaqView software is that I need a specific feature of this software that enables 'on the fly' conversion of the .bin files to .txt files. I need this to upload captured data to a database in one or two minute intervals by reading the .txt files as logging of data proceeds.  So this is almost a real time data upload to a central database for remote monitoring.

I hope someone can assist with this.

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The software was never officially supported for Windows 10, but some customers have made it work. It typically works best if you have a computer purchased with Windows 10. If the computer is old and upgraded to Windows 10, you may have to go to the manufacturer's website and update your BIOS and drivers. If the computer is quite old, Windows 10 support may not be available. 

After you install the Personal DaqView software, plug the device in and watch the power LED. If it stays on for about 20 seconds and goes out, that means the computer lacks the appropriate support. 

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Thank you for the feedback.  Can you confirm whether Personal DaqView and DaqView can both be used with the Personal Daq\50 Series module hardware?  I don't want to waste my time to try and implement DaqView to solve the issue I need (Which is a quasi-real time acquisition through the 'on the fly' conversion feature of DaqView - see below).  Maybe DaqView only support Personal Daq/3000 series, I don't know...can you help me out here. Thanks! 



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