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PCIe-DIO96H combined with SSR-RACK48 Inputs



I am working with a PCIe-DIO96H and two SSR-RACK48s, one for inputs and one for outputs and having issues with the inputs "flickering" on and off. The PCIe-DIO96H is installed in the PC and the two SSR-RACK48s are installed in an electrical enclosure. They are connected using the MMC cable (I do not recall the exact PN but I believe it is the 1M length). The LED indicators on the inputs "SSRs" are not illuminating as if they are being triggered but the PCIe-DIO96H is registering that random inputs go high for ~<1s before returning to the expected state.

There are no high current lines running near the ribbon cables, the two PSUs are GND referenced, all the parts were direct from MMC. Where is the break down between these two devices? I noticed a similar issue with the output board during PC power on since the PCIe-DIO96H defaults all ports to inputs aka high impedance. It seems as though the pull-up (configured through InstaCal) is either insufficient or we just have huge amounts on noise on these ribbons.

Has anyone else ever integrated these two devices? Is there a system integrator out there that may be able to shine some light on what is going on? I'm feeling at a loss with this IO setup. It's all within the same ecosystem and being used in a normal configuration and still not working as intended.

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4 answers to this question

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Hello @KoltonS.

The MCC cable that was available for the PCIe-DIO96H and SSR-RACK48 was the C100FF-x (x is length in feet).  These cables are no longer available at Digilent.  

47 minutes ago, KoltonS said:

The LED indicators on the inputs "SSRs" are not illuminating as if they are being triggered but the PCIe-DIO96H is registering that random inputs go high for ~<1s before returning to the expected state.

Does this LED flicking occur on power up, restart or while running an application?

On power-up and reset of the PCIe-DIO96H, the board initializes all digital ports as inputs.  Afterwards, then configuration of each port is read from the board's EEPROM.  Thus, as you have experienced, the digital lines could be turned on or off every time the board is reset.

The PCIe-DIO96H uses 10 kOhm pull resistors.  The resistor pull state is configured in MCC's InstaCal utility software.

Have you tried powering the SSR-RACK with +5 V only after the PCIe-DIO96H board stabilized after power-up or a reset?  In a previous post, you mentioned using a relay to gate the +5 V to the SSR-RACK.



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I want to give you an update that we are still looking for a root cause for this issue. Nothing to report yet. Hopefully tomorrow I get some time and then I'll answer everything and provided whatever other details shake out.

As for the cable if Digilent is no longer supporting them is there another place we can source these or are we going to have to build our own now?


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Noise on the 5V line ended up being the culprit. Still some sort of issue when using non-inverting logic but once we switched back things have stablized.

Could you provide the mfg PN for the 100pin on the C100FF-X cable? And if you know of anyone making the same cable, could you provide that info as well?

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