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ADP3450 Ethernet streaming via SDK

Andrew Zonenberg


2 answers to this question

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I figured out from some poking around in the WaveForms GUI that I can do "ip:x.x.x.x\nuser:admin\npass:admin\nsecure:1" and FDwfDeviceOpenEx() seems to work.

But since this bypasses the normal device enumeration path, how can I determine the model, serial number, and firmware version of the attached instrument?

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Hi @Andrew Zonenberg

Devices in local network can be enumerated just like the USB device, FDwfEnum
The detection could take more time so you can use FDwfEnumStart/Stop with delay.
You can also add remote devices to table, in WaveForms application/ Device Manager/ Remote or programmatically with Adept Runtime/DmgrDvcTblAdd. In this case use FDwfEnum(enumfilterType|enumfilterRemote|...
If the authentication is enabled for the device, FDwfEnumInfo and FDwfDeviceOpenEx should be used providing user/pass

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