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Andrew Zonenberg

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Everything posted by Andrew Zonenberg

  1. Aha, so the limited depth is because that RAM is used by packet buffer when not running Linux. Makes sense.
  2. I figured out from some poking around in the WaveForms GUI that I can do "ip:x.x.x.x\nuser:admin\npass:admin\nsecure:1" and FDwfDeviceOpenEx() seems to work. But since this bypasses the normal device enumeration path, how can I determine the model, serial number, and firmware version of the attached instrument?
  3. Hi, Is there any documentation for accessing the Ethernet streaming mode via the WaveForms SDK? I suspect that FDwfDeviceOpenEx() is involved somehow but haven't found any documentation for this method.
  4. Hi, Looking at the return values from FDwfAnalogInBufferSizeInfo(), I get 32M points on my PC via USB, but only 32K points if I'm running on the device itself in Linux mode. Why is this? Is there any way to get deeper memory in Linux mode? Also, I tried updating to the latest released WaveForms version for ADP3450 but got linker errors about missing symbols. These were resolved by installing the armhf version of the Adept runtime labeled "Raspberry Pi", as there wasn't one labeled specifically for the AD Pro. Was this the correct package to use? EDIT: It appears that when in Linux mode I get 32K point max memory depth even on the PC via USB, and I only get the full memory depth if I'm using Standard mode.
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