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waveform generator and impedance analyzer suggestions



Hello. for the past couple of weeks i've been using the impedance analyzer and waveform generator in synchronised mode a lot, and while using them, i've encountered a few inconveniences, at least for the use case.


Waveform generator suggestions:

  • Having the ability to change the frequency and/or amplitude and/or symmetry of both channels simultaneously while having the channels synchronised is something that can be done with standalone generators which would be a welcome feature in waveforms
  • Having the ability to also couple selected modulation parameters. In this case also being able to either couple or not the phase of the modulating waveform.
  • Having the ability to sweep the modulating waveform, and having this also be a couple-able parameter.


Impedance analyzer suggestions:

  • Having the ability of displaying multiple traces on the same plot, and be able to label them and change their color(this would also be great to have in the bode plot instrument)
  • Having the ability to change the start and stop frequencies while on the run without having the plotting restart, keeping the same frequency spacing, just dropping the data points taken at lower frequencies than the new "start" and stopping the measurement and drawing at the new "stop" without having to re-run the previous measurements(also great to have in the bode plot instrument)


These new features would be great qol improvements to have, but i understand if they may not be reasonable enough to implement. either way, thank you!


Edited by Anthocyanina
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11 answers to this question

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Hi @Anthocyanina,

Thank you for the feedback; I believe Attila is out of office at the moment to be give any further feedback, so I wanted to clarify that Digilent has seen the feedback.

With regards to displaying multiple traces on the same plot within Impedance, you can run an acquisition, click the green + button to "Add Trace as Reference", then re-set up your circuit to get different data and have the existing reference trace persist on the screen.



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18 hours ago, JColvin said:

Hi @Anthocyanina,

Thank you for the feedback; I believe Attila is out of office at the moment to be give any further feedback, so I wanted to clarify that Digilent has seen the feedback.

With regards to displaying multiple traces on the same plot within Impedance, you can run an acquisition, click the green + button to "Add Trace as Reference", then re-set up your circuit to get different data and have the existing reference trace persist on the screen.



Hello JColvin,

How can I get the + trick to work in the Bode plot too?

Regards Karsten

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Hi @Anthocyanina 

The properties can be coupled with a Script like this.
If a disconnected is not called an application restart is required to get rid of the connection.


function doFreq(){Wavegen.Channel2.Simple.Frequency.value = Wavegen.Channel1.Simple.Frequency.value;}
function doAmp(){Wavegen.Channel2.Simple.Amplitude.value = Wavegen.Channel1.Simple.Amplitude.value;}


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hello @attila thank you!

finally got a chance to test the new beta. the coupled parameters on the waveform generator appear a bit buggy, for example, if you change the device settings, sometimes, maybe due to a parameter or something that i haven't been able to identify, you need to select copy from none, then again copy from channel for the parameters to be coupled, also, the channel which is copying parameters can still be modified independently, and that will again sometimes "break" the coupling, requiring you to again select none, then select the channel to copy from again.

also, the sweeping modulation option is missing. copying sweep works, but when in modulation, having the ability to sweep the modulating frequency, and the ability to also couple this sweep modulation parameter would be really helpful.

Thanks again!

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Hi @Anthocyanina

To be coupled select 'copy from' for both channels, Channel 1 / Copy from: Channel2 and Channel 2 / Copy from: Channel1
This way, whichever you modify it will applied to the other channel.



For 'sweeping modulation' you could use a custom waveform or play more samples from file or for AD3, ADP3X50 AM/FM source can be a Scope input.
For AD3 the first/default device configuration provides 2048 modulation buffer. Select the 6th device configuration to have 8192 AM/FM buffer.


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