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[WaveForms] Asking for direction in setting up "Wow anf Flutter" measurements



Hi guys, I wondering it it would be possible to measure Wow and Flutter using WaveForms.

Do I have to script it or I can do semi manual job using one of measurements in Spectrum Analyzer ? ( I have poked around different measurements and did not see any appropriate ones )

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Hi @xchg.ca,

I had not heard of Wow and Flutter audio measurements prior to your post. The short version is that this functionality does not exist in WaveForms.

Longer version:
Doing some courtesy Wikipedia reading (link1 and link2 for what I looked at in case it matters) on the audio applications for Weighting filters and a single reference saying that the volume / sound pressure is measured with reference to the some lowest hearing threshold (20 uPa according to the one source I looked at), and then the measured value gets compared to some predefined weighting curve?

I don't know the backend complexity behind this, but if different reference curves exist (and we were able to get the appropriate sound pressure for the lowest hearing threshold at different frequencies), my opinion as not-the-WaveForms-developer and not an audio expert is that such functionality would be ostensibly possible to add to WaveForms. Attila (as the WaveForms developer) would be better able to comment on such feasibility and practicality.


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Sorry, but back to this topic

Here what I have found in the Multi-Instrument tool user manual, Page 8


Looks like W&F measurements are part of Spectrum Analyzer view.

In general this document explains alot about W&F measurement

Will try to poke around our Spectrum Analyzer and will try to replicate some of the methodology they are talking about

Edited by xchg.ca
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