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Using Zybo-z7-10 board in the Model Based Design workflow provided by MATLAB



Hi everyone.

  I am new to FPGA. However, I have some experience about TI DSP and the Model Based Desgin (MBD) workflow. I am trying to use the MBD workflow provided by MATLAB, because it may speed up my development. I am using a windows computer.

  But, I have some trouble at the very beginning, LOL, when I was trying to following a tutorial, shown as follows (https://ww2.mathworks.cn/help/hdlcoder/ug/define-and-register-custom-board-and-reference-design-for-zynq-workflow.html). Specifically, I was stucked at step 9, whose purpose is to make connction between MATLAB and my Zybo-z7-10

 Then i try the trouble-shooting guide provided by MATLAB, shown as follows (https://ww2.mathworks.cn/help/deep-learning-hdl/xilinxdeeplearning/ug/opening-a-serial-command-line-session-with-your-xilinx_zynq-hardware.html?searchHighlight=command line session with xilinx zynq platform&s_tid=srchtitle_support_results_2_command line session with xilinx zynq platform). And in the first part, whose purpose is to identify the COM port of the Zybo-z7-10 board. I found there maybe a mistake.

  As shown in the trouble-shooting guide, there should be something in the Devices and Printers, and may like this  


But what shown in my computer is like this 


I do not have the 'USB to UART Bridge'!

So, I guess I should add additional drivers to my computer? But, when I search some information in the zybo-z7 RM, it is said


So, I am confused??? Should there be ICON in my Device and Printers? LOL~

Or, if there should not be an ICON there. How do I know the COM number. Because I am going to do connection Debug.

Thanks for your attention!


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