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DAQ HAT not being detected by raspberry pi

Stephen Harris


I have a Raspberry Pi 4 B with an MCC 128 Daq Hat connected to it. I have followed the setup steps and have installed the daqhats software on my pi. However, when I attempt to list the boards connected (using both daqhats_list_boards in the terminal and via the daqhat manager), I keep getting the response  "0 boards found". I have done the following in an attempt to fix this:

I have read the eeproms.

Both SPI and I2C are enabled.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled twice now.

No jumpers are on the daqhat, and headers are fully connected.

Can anyone tell me if there is something i am missing? I can find no reason why the daqhat should not be detected by the raspberry pi.

Edit: I have tried this hat on both a Pi 1 B+ and a Pi 4 B, so the pi doesn't appear to be the issue.

Edited by Stephen Harris
added the quick edit at the bottom of the post
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I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble, and it sounds like you've covered all the bases. I was going to recommend running sudo daqhats_read_eeproms, but you've done that. Under the Accessories, you should have a utility called MCC DAQ HAT Manager. Address zero is the default, so see if you can open the board with it.  I can replace it if it's less than a year old, but I'll need its serial number or a sales order number.

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