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USB-1604HS-2A0 - Simultanous analog and digital data acquisition in LabView




We are facing a problem with a USB-1604HS-2A0 board regarding the simultaneous acquisition of analog and digital data in LabView using the ULx-library. In terms of hardware, there should be no problem since the user's manual clearly indicates the capability of acquiring analog and digital inputs synchronously and/or asynchronously - that is what the board was made for.

ULx's composite inputs (analog and digital), which have been used successfully for another card (USB-1616HS) in the past, do not work since digital channels cannot be chosen at all. On the other hand, running two independent acquisition tasks does not work either and leads to error 3134 (“Error number 3134 has no text”), an unspecified error which has been discussed elsewhere without having been properly clarified.

We would really appreciate a basic example program or hints for making use of the card’s capabilities in LabView, since also analog and digital data should be put out simultaneously to the acquisition in a next step.

Thank you!


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I've duplicated the bug you reported and found that it was also reported by another customer in 2019. It's unclear why, but the defect record was closed, and no reason was given. I can only submit another report hoping it gets fixed this time. 

Our devices have a 30-day return policy. Contact your distributor for a possible return if this is a recent purchase.

Best regards,

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Hello John,

Thanks for your reply. I don't think that we can make use of the return policy anymore.

For me, it seems to be rather an issue of the ULx library than of the hardware itself. So even a quick fix, say an external dll or C library which is then called by LabView, would be helpful.


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