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LabView can't see ULx user libraries



I have downloaded Instacal and the ULx libraries.  Instacal can see my USB1608G and will "flash" LED as a sign of communication.  I can read a set voltage on Ch0H

When I start LabView and go to the User Libraries section, ULx is not visible.  I have looked on line and there were comments about multiple copies of cb.cfg and a specific dll file being duplicated.  This doesn't seem to be the problem.   What am I missing

Instacal v 6.74

LabView 2023 Q3

c:/.../ProgramFiles/National Instruments/Lab View 2023/ v.lib/ULx exists in the directory structure


Many thanks,  Tom


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Hello. I have the same problem. ULx has been placed in the following folder, with no menu file:

C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2024\vi.lib\ULx

I'm using LabVIEW 32 bit on a 64 bit Windows.

Could you attach the ULx.mnu file again please. Should I move ULx from vi.lib to User.lib?




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Hello @GarrettC.

The ULx.mnu file is attached to the post above.  With NI LabVIEW 2024 (32-bit) closed, download and save the ULx.mnu file to the C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2024\user.lib directory and then launch LabVIEW.  Do not move the other folders.



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I have a similar problem. When I go into my files for LabVIEW, under Windows/ Program files (x86)/ National Instruments / Labview 2024 / vi.lib, there is no ULx library file there. I recently had to transfer my work to a new computer. Did I miss re-downloading some component or is there a file that should be moved there from another space in my files?

I found this out because when I go into labview block diagram, under functions/ user libraries/ ulx for ni labview, all of the ULx controls have question marks over them. However, when I redownloaded all programs, I made sure to download the ULx.mnu file into my Windows/ Program files (x86)/ National Instruments / Labview 2024 / user.lib, so I don't think that is the problem. 

Please let me know if you can help with this issue! Thank you!

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Nevermind, I think I got it to work. It turns out that my ULx libraries were under LV24.0DIR64 instead of Program Files (x86)/National Instruments / LabVIEW 2024 / vi.lib, so I moved the library from the first location to the latter. 

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Actually, I seem to be having this problem with many different sub VIs and other modules in both the 'Functions' and 'Controls' Palettes. I must be missing some download when I transferred my work from my previous computer to this one. Can anyone identify if there is a specific program I need to download to the missing programs back? Specifically, how can I get the Controls and Simulations / LV Simulations sub-vi palette working? I have attached some images of the missing modules below.

Thank you!




Edited by Charlotte G
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I was skeptical when you mentioned that you found the libraries in LV24.0DIR64. ULx is usually found in the following locations:

 ..\National Instruments\Shared\ULx

 ..\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2024\Examples\ULx

 ..\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2024\VI.Lib\ULx

Did you try removing and reinstalling ULx?

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