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Paolo Neri


Dear support team, 


I'm Paolo Neri, from the University of Pisa. I jus received my DT9847-2-2 (s/n: 219C6F2).  I was testing the device with QuickDaq, I can see my device connected and the channel list. But when I try to run an acquisition from anlago input (without any signal connected to the BNC) I get a noisy signal which covers the whole range +-10V. I also tried to follow the manual (pages 52-57) to acquire a sine wave produced by the analog output, but I get the same +-10 V noisy signal. Here is a screenshot to show the acquisition:




What am I doing wrong?

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An unconnected channel is not a proper test setup. To test the system make the following setting changes: Set the channel configuration so that the Coupling is set to DC, the Current Source is off (not checked), the mV/EU scaling is 1000mV/g, and set the Engineering Units to V. With this setup, you can use a voltage source, such as a battery, to test the input. The analog output should work too, but first, try a battery or a sine wave from a function generator. It could be defective if the input channels continue to return a large amount of noise. In this case, try another channel. 

Another test uses a 2.7k ohm resistor from the input high (center pin) to the ground (BNC shell). Set the Coupling to AC and turn on the Current Source. The current source is 4mA, and the 2.7k ohm resistor will simulate an accelerometer bias voltage of 10.8 volts. It's a typical value. The AC coupling will block this value so that the data will be essentially zero volts.

Best regards,

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Thank you for your suggestions. Now I'm working with an oscilloscope and a function generator. I split the function generator signal with a T-BNC connector: the oscilloscope properly reads the sinusoidal wave, while the DT9847 still show the same random +-10 V signal. I tried both channels, same result. Additionally, I tried to connect the DT9847 output to the oscilloscope, but it does not produce any wave form. Now I'm trying to uninstall and reinstall all the software (maybe a driver issue?). The device is brand new.

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I tried the device on a desktop worksation with windows 11 pro. It was assembled by a computer dealer, thus it's not branded, the processor is Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-3245 CPU @ 3.20GHz   3.20 GHz.

I also tried on a HP Zbook laptop, still with windows 11, but I get exactly the same results, +-10 V noise and nothing from the output channel.

Yes, on both machines I started by installing the Omni software downloaded by MC website (DataAcqOMNI_V7.8.9) with no issues. 

Any other option to try? Can it be an issue on device firmware?


Edited by Paolo Neri
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I get mad if this is the solution, because I found on the manual that I could use USB as power supply... 🤣Additionally, the power supply arrived with the American socket, while I'm in Europe, but I can find an adaptor to try if you think this could solve the problem...

Edited by Paolo Neri
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OK, I'm not sure if I'm shy for this issue, or if I'm mad with the manual... but I found an adaptor for the power supply and now it looks like stuff are working properly, I can read inputs and outputs, let's check with some more testing to be sure there are no other surprises... Thank you JRys

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The manual discusses several variations of the DT9847, so it's easy to get mixed up. It says that the DT9847-1-1 module runs on USB power and does not use an external power supply. The DT9847-2-2 and DT9847-3-1 modules require an external power supply and are shipped with an EP394 +5V power supply and cable.

Best regards,


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