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Arty-Z7 20 - Petalinux QSPI boot



I've got an arty z7 that I've got booting petalinux with SD and jtag booting. However, I'm having trouble getting it to qspi boot, or more specifically getting the boot+kernel image petalinux builds to fit on 16MB qspi. Seems a default Petalinux is about 16MB kernel and 5MB Boot.bin, I've tried shaving my image down, its currently 10.3MB image.ub and 5.2mb boot.bin so I guess it should barely fit? I'm following the steps at: https://docs.xilinx.com/r/2021.2-English/ug1144-petalinux-tools-reference-guide/Steps-to-Boot-a-PetaLinux-Image-on-Hardware-with-QSPI-or-OSPI but this doesn't leave room for boot.scr. Has anybody done this successfully?


boot=0 0x500000
kernel=0x500000 0xA80000

Curious your petalinux config/uboot steps to program flash.

Another hint something isn't working - typing those sf commands and rebooting arty-z7 doesn't seem to remove the demo blinky app from arty-z7 (after selecting qspi boot).

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Hi @toddsharpe

does writing BOOT.BIN at the begging of QSPI boots into u-boot ? when qspi jumper is set?

u-boot loads boot.scr and loads image.ub according to instructions in boot.scr
if boot.scr has a wrong address for image.ub(is a FIT) the entire process fails.


According to

expected boot.scr address is 0xFC0000

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