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Arty A7 100T would not reset



3 answers to this question

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Hi @Hellen,

I haven't tried this particular application, but usually you can reset the hardware configuration by pressing the red Reset button (just above JP1 in the corner) presuming that that button was routed to the reset inputs within the Vivado design. If you don't want the device to boot up with whatever is in flash memory on power up, you can simply "un-jumper" JP1 so it doesn't short the two pins.

If you are instead talking about how you want to erase the flash memory (since the application you linked programs the flash memory) you can use the Vivado Hardware Manager and either change the flash memory configuration to the one you want or uncheck the Program and Verify options leaving only the Erase option.


Let me know if I am misunderstanding your question.


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Hi, thank you for your reply. I am attaching an image of how what I see when I open the hardware manager. I don't get a configuration memory device. I have try refreshing the device, closing the hardware manager, pressing the reset bottom, unplugging the board. I am not sure why still programmed. 


Thank you,




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Hi @Hellen,

I have the configuration memory device in my Hardware Manager because I added it (right click on the xc7a100t, select Add Configuration Memory Device, search for the correct memory device based on what is present on your board (a list of options depending on your board revision is available in the Reference Manual here: https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/arty-a7/reference-manual#quad-spi_flash). An example of what I searched up for my Rev E is here:

Alternatively, since you didn't mention it, does removing the JP1 Mode jumper result in the behavior that you are looking for?


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