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Errors using DT9806 USB daq with LabVIEW + LV-Link




I am trying to control a DataTranslation DT9806 USB Daq (actually, it's a Keithley KUSB-3108, but it is rebranding, AFAIK) using LabVIEW.

The DT9806 seems to work fine, I can record measurements (voltage and thermocouple) using the QuickDAQ software.

But with LabVIEW + LV-Link3 library, I cannot record thermocouple measurements:

Using provided examples:
"DtAinSingle.vi"  works fine
"DtAinThermocoupleContinuous.vi"  returns "Error 29 :  Invalid Range"

Modifying "DtAinSingle.vi", only adding the "DtOLSetChanThermocoupleOptions.vi" subvi, it returns "1082 : Float data is not supported on this device".

Am I missing something obvious ?
Thanks is advance, regards.




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You have the channel set to single-ended mode. For thermocouples, you must use differential mode. Look at the DtAinThermocoupleContinuous example in \National Instruments\LabVIEW 20xx\user.lib\lv-link3\examples\.

Best regards,


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Hi John,

Thanks for you reply. You are completely right, channel has to be set to 'Differential'.

Unfortunately, this does not solve the issue. I still get the same error "Float data is not supported on this device". (see toto_error_differential.png).  The provided example 'DtAinThermocoupleContinuous.vi' does not work, but with a different error "Invalid range".

Nevertheless , our DT9806 seems to work fine, according to QuickDAQ software.

Any advices ?




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Thanks John, the provided example "DtAinContTEMP.vi" works fine.

However, I cannot find this specific example within my LV-Link3 ( installation. Is there an older version where I could find this example, and also other working ones if needed later on ?

On the opposite, does LV-Link3 ( and OpenLayers 7.8.9  still support the DT9806 USB daq ?

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The DtAinContTemp example was left out from LV-Link3. Probably an oversight. It was good that I attached a copy. 

There are no old versions of LV-Link3 available.

The DT9806 is an active product and is supported by the current release. 

Best regards,


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