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Is there any way to measure time using MicroBlaze core in Vitis for Arty A7-100T?



I embedded a MicroBlaze core in the FPGA of Arty A7-100T board. To measure time spent by a piece of code run by MicroBlaze core in Vitis, I tried

#include <time.h>

clock_t start, end;
// code to be measured

But I received error


(.text+0x8): undefined reference to `times'

So, is there any API from Vitis SDK I can use to measure time using MicroBlaze core in Vitis for Arty A7-100T? If answer is no, is that because of the limitation of MicroBlaze? If so, if I replace MicroBlaze with some other processor core, say RISC-V, can I measure time in Vitis? Or, is there no hope at all to do time measurement using C code in Vitis on top of Artix-7 FPGA?


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2 answers to this question

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Microblaze doesn't have a built-in counter by default - it implements sleep functions in software, using instructions with known durations, for example. You could use an AXI Timer/Counter and the xtmrctr driver.

xtime_l looks to be a Zynq-7000-specific driver and uses the built-in hardware timer featured by the A9 processor, I don't know why it might be showing up in a Microblaze BSP.



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