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Nexys 4 Microblaze Tutorial errors




I have been for a day trying to follow two tutorials : "Getting started with Microblaze" and "Getting Started with Microblaze Servers". Found a couple of errors/deviation from what the tutorials say.


1- Block Automation for MIG . Erratic behavior : if I follow the steps in the "Getting started with Microblaze Tutorial" , when running block automation I do not get the IP interface updated with AXI signals. No new signals at all, just a new input pin connected to the reset input of the IP. But, if I change the order of the steps and run MIG block automation before running the first connection automation , then it gets through. After that, doing all the other steps of the HW configuration of the tutorial, I  just need to run connection automation, unselect the Microblaze, and then I get the same block diagram of the tutorial. Anyone knows wy?


2-Getting Started with Microblaze Server Tutorial. I don't have to unselect the Microblaze in Run Connection Automation because it it not there (even though it is in the block diagram and has gone through block automation). Anyhow , if I select all others  (which should be equivalent to the step described) I get  a different block diagram , with a few blocks missing. Why is that?

Also would like to ask, if the forums is the only support we have, or there is a more formal support that can be provided for those  tutorials and the Nexys4 boards


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3 answers to this question

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Errata to the tutorial: To get the microblaze_0_axi_intc and microblaze_0_xlconcat blocks (step 2.6) you have to enable interrupts when running Block automation for the Microblaze IP. As stated in the tutorial, it looks like the user should go with default Microblaze settings (interrupts disabled).

I 'm still missing the Microblaze_0 block in the Connection Automation select box. When I run that, the only block missing now is the axi_mem_intercon. Any clue?







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Hello  Zermelo,

i updated the Getting started with microblaze servers step 2.5 to resolve the issue with the tutorial. The tutorial reflects what happens in Vivado. I am using Vivado 2016.2.

I was not able to duplicate your issue for 1-Block Automation for the MIG.

thank you,


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