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Arty Z7-10: APSoC Zynq-7000: Address to receive information on I2C



I am currently working on a project where I am recreating the user interface of the Back to the Future time machine. I have made a hardware wrapper in Vivado and I am currently using that wrapper in Vitis. I have gotten the board to send data to the displays using the Xilinx XIic (I2C) library, but I am struggling to have it receive information from an arduino using the receive function (from the same I2C library), because I do not know the address of the board. I am unsure if there is a default address, or if I need to set the address or if it's something entirely different. I have researched all of the documents related to this board that I could find, but maybe I'm just overlooking something. Any help would be greatly appreciated, if any other information is needed I would be willing to provide it.

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Hi @Rory,

Usually the address of an I2C device is the same for writing and reading; the first 7 bits are the address and the 8th bit is either a 0 (for writing to the target address) or a 1 (for reading from the target address). What address to use will be defined in the device datasheet. Where that address is located varies; for example, in the ADXL345 datasheet, https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/data-sheets/ADXL345.pdf, the I2C address is listed in the middle of the first paragraph of the I2C subsection of Serial Communications. For clarity, the I2C address is not the same as the Device ID.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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