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Open Layers library and Universal library compatibility



The DT9801 uses the Open Layers library. The DT9801 has been discontinued and replaced by the USB-1608G Series. The USB-1608G uses the Universal Library.

Is the Universal Library backwards compatible with Open Layers so that my software can support the DT9801 and USB-1608G?

Do I have to support Open Layers and the Universal Library in my application?





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Hello @PhilipW.

The DT9801 is a Data Translation product which uses the Open Layers library, while the USB-1608G Series is a MCC product which uses the Universal Library; two different libraries.  If your application supports both products, then you will need to support both libraries.



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Hi Fausto,

In my application using Open Layers and the DT9801 data logger, I'm reading data using 3 analog inputs (voltage) and 1 digital input. The digital input takes data from a Turck encoder. The data is a square wave and I wrote a function to count the pulses; a pulse contains 4 data samples. These inputs are synchronized/simultaneous. From the DT9800 Series manual:

In addition to the analog input channels, the DT9800 Series modules allow you to read eight digital input lines using the analog input channel list. This feature is particularly useful when you want to correlate the timing of analog and digital events. 

The recommended replacement for the DT9801 is the USB-1608G Series. I reviewed the datasheet and it doesn't appear to support synchronous input for analog and digital sources. Is my analysis correct?

The datasheet for the USB-1808 Series indicates the data logger supports synchronous/simultaneous inputs. Would this data logger be a better fit for my application?


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Hello @PhilipW.

The A/D input channel sampling are multiplexed on the DT9801 and USB-1608G modules, while the USB-1808 Series supports simultaneous A/D input channel sampling.  Additionally, with the USB-1808 Series, the digital inputs can be acquired with the analog input channels using the DAQ Input Scan function.




The USB-1808 Series would be a better fit for your application.



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For the last two years I've been working on an application that uses the Open Layers library with the DT9801. The application uses three input analog channels to read voltage values and one digital input to read pulses from an encoder. Sampling rate is 10,000 hertz. We plan to sell a couple hundred units over the next five years.

The DT9801 has been discontinued and the replacement data logger requires the Universal library.

I have a few questions.

1. What year was the Universal Library introduced?

2. Does the Universal Library fix some problems in the Open Layers Library?

3. I have noticed some intermittent/occasional inconsistencies in the sampling of the data using Open Layers/DT9801. Does the Universal Library have better performance for sampling?




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Hello @PhilipW.

MCC's Universal Library has been around since 1998, from what I could find, but it could be a few years older.  

The Open Layers Library was developed by Data Translation circa 1995.

The two libraries and hardware devices are not related.  Data Translation was acquired by MCC back in 2015.

41 minutes ago, PhilipW said:

intermittent/occasional inconsistencies in the sampling of the data

Unaware of the inconsistencies.  Have you determined it to be the Open Layers Library versus a host system's limitations?

We do not have side-by-side benchmarks between MCC and DT.

MCC still sells the DT9802 and DT9804 modules, which are in the same series as the DT9801.  Those modules could be used, while you incorporate support for the MCC devices in your application.





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