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USB-TEMP python documentation

James Steinke


I have inherited several test stands that use USB-TEMPs to monitor temperature. I am porting the old test software to our standard temperature control software written in python which normally interfaces with NI-DAQ devices.

I am using mcculw python drivers. I am sucessfully reading TC and can change between TC types with the following:

ul.set_config(MCC.InfoType.BOARDINFO, self.board_id, channel.terminal, MCC.BoardInfo.TCCHANTYPE, MCC.TcType.K)

However, I would also like to measure raw resistance and RTDs. Poking around, I found BoardInfo.TEMPChanGain, BoardInfo.TempSensorType, and BoardInfo.TempExcitation. These values appear to change when I change the channel type in instacal, but I can't find any documentation for them.

However, due to the architecture of our software, I am trying to avoid using instacal to actually configure the DAQ, as as the configuration information is handled by the software for all the other devices. I am using ul.ignore_instacal() which handles this fine, but I can't find any documentation on how to setup reading an RTD channel, or mixing TC and RTD channels.

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There are enums for RTDs too however, they don't seem to switch the USB-TEMP input mode. For example, I found:

        ul.set_config(mcculw.enums.InfoType.BOARDINFO, board_num, 0, mcculw.enums.BoardInfo.CHANRTDTYPE, mcculw.enums.PlatinumRTDType.PT_3750)
        ul.set_config(mcculw.enums.InfoType.BOARDINFO, board_num, 0, mcculw.enums.BoardInfo.ADCHANTYPE, mcculw.enums.AiChanType.RTD_100OHM_3W)

The first one doesn't do anything and the second one causes an exception. Unfortunately, there is no information in the Universal Library Help about switching the input mode from TC to RTD and the fact that the DAQami program still relies on InstaCal for the USB-TEMP tells me it's unsupported.

Best regards,


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