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Chart Recorder time vs trigger function ?




I am a beginner at Dasylab and I am using USB-2404-UI and are trying to measure a simple circuit of an AA battery and a 1 ohm resistor. 

I would like the measurement to start as soon as the voltage is above 0,1 V with any trigger function. (This I have accomplished quite easy, as this is basics)

However, the chart recorder and the ASCII file are created once the Voltage is above 0,1 V, but the time of the X-axis starts as soon as I hit the start/record button. Meaning, the measurement of time starts once I hit start (In the upper left corner) and as soon as the voltage is above 0,1 it starts showing on the chart recorder after the time given, not at Zero. 

Please let me know how solve this, 


Thank you, 




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Definition of a chart recorder is a plot of data referenced by something.  In DASYLab's Chart recorder, the default is time.  You do have an option to set it to the sample index but there MUST be some type of X axis reference.  To set it to sample index, you can set it like this:


For the write Data module you can disable the time stamp column by going to the properties of the Write Data module, select File format ASCII (CSV), click the Options... button, and set it like this:


the resulting data file appears like this:


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Hi Jeffrey, 


Thank you for the response and sorry for the late reply. 

I believe this do not solve my issue? It will only eliminate time in my x-axis? 

I would like the time to start at 0 sec, once my signal is triggered.

(Now time starts as soon as I hit the start button and time keeps ticking with no Y-signal, until it is triggered at X sec. )


Thank you, once more, 


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