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USB-1608FS-Plus user data in EEPROM

Federico Rossi


2 answers to this question

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You can use the UL functions cbInByte() and cbOutByte() where

BoardNum is the board number in InstaCal,

PortNum is the register you want to read/write for this device that is from hex 300 to Hex 400,

PortVal (for cbOutByte() ) is the value you want to write,

For cbInByte(), the returned value is the contents of the register requested.

You can write your custom cal constants there, but they will not be automatically applied when reading analog inputs.

For more information on using these functions, see the ULHELP file already installed on your system, or https://www.mccdaq.com/pdfs/manuals/Mcculw_WebHelp/ULStart.htm

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Hi Jeffrey,

Thanks for your reply. We tried with the function OutByte and we can write the first 256 bytes, from 0 to 0x100.

Between 0x300 to 0x400 we get the error "Device has stopped responding".

Are we missing something? (We tried Python and C# just in case)

Can we use those first 256 bytes without compromising DAQ board functionality? We read the first time and it has all FFs. That area seems unwritten by default.

This is the code we used just in case:

int board_number = 1;
int start = 0;
int total = 256; 
int i = 0;
int value;
ErrorInfo result;
MccBoard daq_board = new MccDaq.MccBoard(board_number);
Console.WriteLine("Board name:" + daq_board.BoardName);
Console.WriteLine("Board number:" + daq_board.BoardNum);

Console.WriteLine("Reading from " + start + " to " + (start + total).ToString());
for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
    value = daq_board.InByte(start + i);
    Console.WriteLine("Adresss: " + (start + i).ToString() + " - Value: " + value);

Console.WriteLine("Writing incremental values from " + start + " to " + (start + total).ToString());
for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
    result = daq_board.OutByte(start + i, i);

Console.WriteLine("Reading from " + start + " to " + (start + total).ToString());
for (i = 0; i < total; i++)
    value = daq_board.InByte(start + i);
    Console.WriteLine("Adresss: " + (start + i).ToString() + " - Value: " + value);



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