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Petalinux Error for CORA Z7



Hi team,


After generating the xsa file by VIVADO, I run the compilation with the "petalinux-build" command on PetaLinux, the following error was outputted.

Please tell me the cause.


Best regards,


Evaluation Board : CORA Z7

FPGA : Zynq-7000(XC7007S)

VIVADO version : 2020.2

PetaLinux version : 2020.2


Error ***************************************************************************


ERROR: device-tree-xilinx-v2020.2+gitAUTOINC+f725aaecff-r0 do_compile: Error executing a python function in exec_python_func() autogenerated:


The stack trace of python calls that resulted in this exception/failure was:

File: 'exec_python_func() autogenerated', lineno: 2, function: <module>


 *** 0002:devicetree_do_compile(d)


File: '/home/toku/test/test/components/yocto/layers/core/meta/classes/devicetree.bbclass', lineno: 131, function: devicetree_do_compile

   0127:      if not(os.path.isfile(dtspath)) or not(dts.endswith(".dts") or devicetree_source_is_overlay(dtspath)):

   0128:        continue # skip non-.dts files and non-overlay files

   0129:    except:

   0130:      continue # skip if can't determine if overlay

 *** 0131:    devicetree_compile(dtspath, includes, d)



   0134:devicetree_do_install() {

   0135:  for DTB_FILE in `ls *.dtb *.dtbo`; do

File: '/home/toku/test/test/components/yocto/layers/core/meta/classes/devicetree.bbclass', lineno: 119, function: devicetree_compile

   0115:    dtcargs += ["-i", i]

   0116:  dtcargs += ["-o", "{0}.{1}".format(dtname, "dtbo" if isoverlay else "dtb")]

   0117:  dtcargs += ["-I", "dts", "-O", "dtb", "{0}.pp".format(dts)]

   0118:  bb.note("Running {0}".format(" ".join(dtcargs)))

 *** 0119:  subprocess.run(dtcargs, check = True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)


   0121:python devicetree_do_compile() {

   0122:  includes = expand_includes("DT_INCLUDE", d)

   0123:  listpath = d.getVar("DT_FILES_PATH")

File: '/opt/pkg/petalinux/2020.2/components/yocto/buildtools/sysroots/x86_64-petalinux-linux/usr/lib/python3.7/subprocess.py', lineno: 512, function: run

   0508:      raise

   0509:    retcode = process.poll()

   0510:    if check and retcode:

   0511:      raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,

 *** 0512:                   output=stdout, stderr=stderr)

   0513:  return CompletedProcess(process.args, retcode, stdout, stderr)



   0516:def list2cmdline(seq):

Exception: subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['dtc', '-@', '-p', '0x1000', '-i', '/home/toku/test/test/build/tmp/work-shared/zynq-generic/kernel-source/scripts/dtc/include-prefixes', '-i', '/home/toku/test/test/build/tmp/work/zynq_generic-xilinx-linux-gnueabi/device-tree/xilinx-v2020.2+gitAUTOINC+f725aaecff-r0', '-i', '/home/toku/test/test/project-spec/configs/../../components/plnx_workspace/device-tree/device-tree', '-i', '/home/toku/test/test/build/tmp/work-shared/zynq-generic/kernel-source/arch/arm/boot/dts', '-o', 'system-top.dtb', '-I', 'dts', '-O', 'dtb', 'system-top.dts.pp']' returned non-zero exit status 2.


Subprocess output:

/home/toku/test/test/project-spec/configs/../../components/plnx_workspace/device-tree/device-tree/zynq-7000.dtsi:551.16-564.5: ERROR (phandle_references): /amba/ptm@f889d000: Reference to non-existent node or label "cpu1"


ERROR: Input tree has errors, aborting (use -f to force output)


ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/toku/test/test/build/tmp/work/zynq_generic-xilinx-linux-gnueabi/device-tree/xilinx-v2020.2+gitAUTOINC+f725aaecff-r0/temp/log.do_compile.6374

ERROR: Task (/home/toku/test/test/components/yocto/layers/meta-xilinx/meta-xilinx-bsp/recipes-bsp/device-tree/device-tree.bb:do_compile) failed with exit code '1'

NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 3320 tasks of which 2607 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed.

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2 answers to this question

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Hi @smile_tatsuro,

I have reached out for some additional information on this question.

I'm not very familiar with Petalinux, but you might find these two threads helpful: https://forum.digilent.com/topic/23149-cora-z7-petalinux-problems-with-digilent-github/ and https://forum.digilent.com/topic/23125-bsp-for-zybo-z720-with-zynq-xc7z020-1clg400c/.


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XC7Z007S has only one core however in your device tree there is a node for a second core "cpu1". File pcw.dts enables nodes in reference zynq dtsi. Also make sure in your user-system.dtsi file there are no references to cpu1 node.

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