I bought an USB-2020 sometime ago but am just now bringing it into an instrument. Although eventually I want to control in Linux, for now I just want to get it running in Windows. I am trying to sort out how to control gating on this system. What we have is a pulsed laser system with two detectors which we want to integrate within a gating window as fast as possible (which may be 10 microseconds?) and capture their ratio on a pulse by pulse basis. I didn't find much on github that points me in the right direction. What is the easiest way to test/code gating on this DAQ?
Revision: I looked at the ul.py code and it seems that this shouldn't be too bad. I will report and/or delete this comment after I have a chance to dive in.
Houston Miller
I bought an USB-2020 sometime ago but am just now bringing it into an instrument. Although eventually I want to control in Linux, for now I just want to get it running in Windows. I am trying to sort out how to control gating on this system. What we have is a pulsed laser system with two detectors which we want to integrate within a gating window as fast as possible (which may be 10 microseconds?) and capture their ratio on a pulse by pulse basis. I didn't find much on github that points me in the right direction. What is the easiest way to test/code gating on this DAQ?
Edited by Houston MillerRevision: I looked at the ul.py code and it seems that this shouldn't be too bad. I will report and/or delete this comment after I have a chance to dive in.
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