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Running Self Created Executable File from Script



I have created a Script to automate and gather a bunch of measurements that I wish to export to a report. To do so, I have written a simple C# program that opens up a word document and automatically saves it as a pdf. However, I have tried using both "Tool.start" and "Tool.Exec" to run the created executable. I have it pointed to the directory it is located in, but it does not seem to want to run. Could this have anything to do with my use of the .Net Framework? I can provide additional information or screenshots if needed. Thank you in advance!

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7 answers to this question

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Hi @CFalardeau97

It the application is in the PATH or next to the app then it can be called just by name (like: ping, cmd, ...) otherwise the full path should be used, like: Tool.start("C:/test/myapp.exe").
The argument array is optional, depends on your app.
The work directory is also optional, it depends if you need this for your app or not.

In some cases the app may need to be open like this:
Tool.start("cmd", ["/c myapp.exe"], "C:/test/")

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Ok, I have moved your question to a more appropriate section of the Forum where the engineer most familiar with WaveForms will be able to see and respond to your question.

I'm not an expert in this particular usage of WaveForms, but posting the script you are currently attempting to use (filepath's blanked out or made ambiguous of course; I also presume the script is separately capturing and storing data in a .csv or something like that) would be helpful as well.


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Hi @attila,

I have refered to this document and I am still confused on why things will not run. Does ".start" and ".exec" require an argument array to function? I ask as the C# program I am attempting to call does not take any arguments. It simply edits a docx document by filling a table with information from a text file that the Waveforms script creates. It then saves the document to PDF form.


What I have found to be interesting is that these functions have no issues calling executables from this directory: "C:\Windows\System32\". I have called msconfig with no argument array and without referring to that directory like the ping example.

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