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Continuous data logged to generate mV vs time (microsecond) using MCC DAQ 172




I am in the middle of working on my small project using the MCC DAQ 172 with Raspberry Pi 4. I used the Python library provided in my codes and also referred to the example logs software on cont_scan_csv.py. My desired output is to generate continues scan logged for mV vs time (microsecond). I have difficulty in choosing the right command or function line to be used to generate the continues mV data with respect to the time of test (TOT) in microsecond. Really appreciate if anyone can assist me in this matters for me to achieve the desire output.


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4 answers to this question

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Hello @Wan,

Unfortunately Measurement Computing does not provide the support you are looking for.  Our support ends with helping you acquire streaming data from the MCC 172, and  you have already resolved that.  What you seek is beyond the scope of what we offer.  The MCC 152 is our offering for analog outputs, but it is not capable of rigidly clocked output data.

A quick Google search revealed this:  https://www.circuitbasics.com/how-to-play-audio-with-the-raspberry-pi/  Perhaps this will help put you on the right track.

Good luck on your project.



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On 6/10/2022 at 8:43 PM, Jeffrey said:

Hello @Wan,

Unfortunately Measurement Computing does not provide the support you are looking for.  Our support ends with helping you acquire streaming data from the MCC 172, and  you have already resolved that.  What you seek is beyond the scope of what we offer.  The MCC 152 is our offering for analog outputs, but it is not capable of rigidly clocked output data.

A quick Google search revealed this:  https://www.circuitbasics.com/how-to-play-audio-with-the-raspberry-pi/  Perhaps this will help put you on the right track.

Good luck on your project.



Hi Jeffrey,

Thank you so much on your prompt reply. Really appreciated that. Regarding your answer on my problem, is that means the MCC 172 is not capable on setting up to acquire the continues data for mV vs time (microsecond) or your side is just entitle to support up to certain stage of MCC programming development only?


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The MCC 172 is capable of acquiring up to 2 channels continuously data streams, with an input range of +/-5V input.  With a 24 bit Delta sigma A/D converter that resolves to 10/2^24 or 6 uV resolution.  At a maximum sample rate of 102.4 k Samples/second (51.2 kS/s * 2 channels).  Part of the daqhats library (https://github.com/mccdaq/daqhats) are C and python examples, including one for continuous scan.  So to answer your question,

9 hours ago, Wan said:

is that means the MCC 172 is not capable on setting up to acquire the continues data for mV vs time (microsecond)

it can acquire data in the mV range, however as for timing, with a sampling rate of 1/51.2kS/s = a min sampling time of 19 micro-seconds/sample

if that is acceptable to you needs, it is for you to modify the example to complete your development task.



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On 6/10/2022 at 5:02 AM, Wan said:


I am in the middle of working on my small project using the MCC DAQ 172 with Raspberry Pi 4. I used the Python library provided in my codes and also referred to the example logs software on cont_scan_csv.py. My desired output is to generate continues scan logged for mV vs time (microsecond). I have difficulty in choosing the right command or function line to be used to generate the continues mV data with respect to the time of test (TOT) in microsecond. Really appreciate if anyone can assist me in this matters for me to achieve the desire output.


Hi @Wan

I am a UMD grad student and I'm doing a similar project using an accelerometer and MCC 172 to find time and frequency domain data VS voltage. Were you able to solve your problem? If you could help me in this regard that would be wonderful. Thank you.

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