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Zedboard - Vitis project works randomly




I’m using a Zedboard and when I run a program in Vitis, weirdly it doesnt work everytime. Inded, for the same program, sometime everything works as expected (uart print are succesfull, gpio: sw and led too) but sometime the done led is blue and the programme does nothing.

It’s occurs often when I already did a run and I try to do a second one, but sometimes afer using the board for long it occurs just after power up the board.

I try to always build my project before and let the card cool down but sometimes it doesn’t help.

When it doesn’t work, many possibilities :

  • The application does absolutly nothing
  • The uart stop in the middle of a printf
  • an error appears like :

« Error while launcing program : reset APU.APB AP transaction error, DAP status 0xF0000021 »


« Error while lauching program : no taargets found with « name=~"APU*" ,avalailable targets :

  • 1 DAP (APB AP transaction error, DAP status 0x30000021)
  • 2 xc7z020 »

It's the case for all project I have created ...

This behavior is very handicapping for my work. If you are any idea please share it ! 



Edited by jmh127
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You can monitor the FPGA core temperature in your software applications to see if that's an issue.

I've seen similar problems due to AXI bus faults. In this case you have to power down the board and start over. Certain Xilinx AXI IP can have bus faults if the PS core tries to do read or write accesses too fast. The AXI GPIO IP has this issue. You can insert usleep() calls between accesses to see if this resolves your problem. This slows down the AXI bus transaction. It's a crude method but might work. The PS cores on all Series 7 ZYNQ device are fast enough to expose buggy IP. I don't know that a bus fault is your problem but this is hard to debug as the tools and the device stop communicating once a bus fault occurs.
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