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Arduino uno +STONE LCD + Display data read by MFRC522

Ardelle Froeliger

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Arduino Uno Project Introduction
Due to my personal interest, I have been exposed to the development of the Arduino UNO and STONE LCD module project for two weeks and found that Arduino is very simple, convenient, and practical. So I want to do a simple Demo with Arduino. I have an MFRC522 module at home, which I used when I was in college, but used STM32 to communicate with the MFRC522 module at that time, so I need to write the driver of the MFRC522 module by myself, which is quite complicated.
Arduino has its own MFRC522 library file, so I don’t have to write the driver file myself. This will be very convenient to use.

Arduino Uno Connection STONE LCD
I need to make a Demo that can read MI card data and display the read data to the STONE LCD screen.
According to this requirement, I need the following materials:

Arduino development board
MFRC522 module
LCD display
The MI card
STONE LCD Module Connect Arduino UNO Project Hardware
There are 3 electronic modules in the project, which I will introduce one by one.

TFT LCD Display Module ( STONE STVC050WT-01)
In this project, I intend to use the STONE STVC050WT-01 display screen module to display the card data read by MFRC522.

The driver chip has been integrated inside the display screen, and there is development software that can be used by users. Users only need to add buttons and text boxes to the designed UI pictures through the pc, and then generate configuration files and download them into the display module.

The STVC050WT-01 communicates with the MCU via a UART-TTL signal.

STONE LCD Development Steps
Three steps of STONE display screen development:

Design the display logic and button logic with STONE TOOL software, and download the design file to the display module.
MCU communicates with the STONE LCD display module through the serial port.
With the data obtained in step 2, the MCU does other actions.
STONE TOOLBox (GUI Design Software)
Download the latest version of the STONE TOOL software (currently TOOL2019) from the website, and install it.
After the software is installed, the following interface will be opened:How-to-Display-data-read-by-MFRC522-through-LCD-with-Arduino
Click the “File” button in the upper left corner to create a new project, which we will discuss later.

MFRC522 is a low-voltage, low-cost, small contactless read-write card chip launched by NXP, which is the choice for the development of smart meters and portable handheld devices.

Using advanced modulation and demodulation concepts, MFRC522 fully integrates all types of passive contactless communication modes and protocols at 13.56MHz. Support the multi-layer application of ISO14443A. The internal transmitter section drives the reader antenna to communicate with the ISO14443A/MIFARE card and transponder without the need for additional circuits. The receiver section provides robust and efficient demodulation and decoding circuits for processing ISO14443A compliant transponder signals. The digital part handles ISO14443A frames and error detection (parity & CRC). MFRC522 supports MIFARE higher speed contactless communication, with a two-way data transmission rate up to 424kbit/s omch.

MFRC522 Module Features
High integration modulation and demodulation circuit;
Support ISO/IEC 14443 TypeA and MIFARE Communication protocol;
The communication distance with ISO 14443A/MIFARE in reader mode is up to 50mm, depending on the length of the antenna.
Supports higher transmission rates of ISO 14443 212kbit/s and 424kbit/s.
SPI interface for 10Mbit/s
64 byte send and receive FIFO buffer;
Built-in temperature sensor to automatically stop RF emission when the chip temperature is too high;
Adopt an independent multi-group power supply to avoid interference between modules and improve work stability.
CRC and parity check function.
Internal oscillator connected to 27.12mhz crystal;
2.5-3.3v low voltage and low power consumption design;
Operating temperature range: -30 ~ +85℃;
Super small size 5mm×5mm×0.85mm.
MFRC522 Module Application
MFRC522 is suitable for a variety of applications based on ISO/IEC 14443A and requires a low cost, small size, high performance, and single power contactless communication.

Public transport terminal
Portable handheld device
Contactless public telephone
Door lock
Arduino UNO

Developers do not need to care about the tedious details of single-chip programming, providing you with an easy to use kit. Arduino UNO also simplifies the work process of microcontroller, but compared with other systems, Arduino is more advantageous in many places, especially suitable for teachers, students, and amateurs:

Cheap — Arduino boards are really cheap compared to other platforms. The cheapest version of Arduino UNO can be made with your own hands, and even an assembled product costs no more than $30.
Simple programming environment — Arduino programming environment is easy for beginners to learn to use, and it can provide enough advanced applications for advanced users.
Software is open source and extensible – Arduino software is open source and can be extended by experienced programmers. The Arduino programming language can be extended through the C++ library,
Open source and extensible hardware — Arduino board is based on ATMEGA8 and atmega168/328 microcontroller of Atmel. Arduino is based on the Creative Commons license, so experienced circuit designers can design their own modules to extend or improve on the requirements. Even for some relatively inexperienced users, you can make test boards understand how Arduino works, which saves money and time.
Arduino, based on the AVR platform, compiles and encapsulates AVR libraries twice. Ports are packaged, and registers, address Pointers, and other things are not needed. Greatly reduce the difficulty of software development, suitable for non-professional enthusiasts to use.

Arduino UNO Development Environment
Arduino IDE is very easy for beginners to learn and has plenty of flexibility. Arduino language is developed based on wiring language, which is the second packaging of the Avr-GCC library. It does not need too much foundation of SCM or programming, so you can develop it quickly after simple learning.
The Arduino development environment is the Arduino IDE, which can be downloaded from the Internet.
After installing the Arduino IDE, the following interface will appear when you open the software:

The Arduino IDE creates two functions by default: the setup function and the loop function.
There are a lot of Arduino introductions on the Internet. If you don’t understand, you can go to the Internet to look up materials.

Arduino LCD Project Implementation Process
Hardware Connection
To ensure that the next step in writing code goes smoothly, we must first determine the reliability of the hardware connection.
Only three pieces of hardware were used in this project:How-to-Display-data-read-by-MFRC522-through-LCD-with-Arduino

Arduino UNO development board
STONE STVC050WT-01 TFT-LCD displayer
MFRC522 module
Arduino UNO development board and STVC050WT-01 TFT-LCD display screen are connected through UART, and the Arduino UNO development board is connected with the MFRC522 module through SPI interface. After thinking clearly, we can draw the following wiring picture:

The specific pin connection is as follows:

Make sure there are no errors in the hardware connection and proceed to the next step.

TFT LCD User Interface Design
First of all, we need to design a picture, which can be designed by PhotoShop or other image design tools. After designing the picture, save the picture in JPG format.
Open the software STONE TOOL and create a new project:


Remove the image that was loaded by default in the new project, and add the UI image that we designed.
Add the text display component, design the display digit and decimal point, get the storage location of the text display component in the display screen.
The effect is as follows:


STONE UI Interface Generate A Configuration File
Once the UI design is complete, the configuration file can be generated and downloaded to the STVC050WT-01 display, which is described in STONE’s development materials.
First, perform step 1, then insert the USB flash drive into the computer, and the disk symbol will be displayed. Then click “Download to u-disk” to Download the configuration file onto the USB flash drive, and then insert the USB flash drive into STVC050WT-01 to complete the upgrade.

MFRC522 Module
We don’t need to program the MFRC522 module. We just need to make sure that the hardware is connected reliably.

Arduino Library File With Completion Code
Open the Arduino IDE and find the following buttons:

Search “RC522” to find the RC522 library file, then click download and install.
You can also download it directly from the Internet:
After the installation, you can find the Demo of MFRC522 in the LIB library folder of Arduino:

Double-click the file to open it.

This Demo can be directly tested. After compiling and downloading the code into the Arduino development board, the data of MFRC522 can be seen in the serial debugging tool if there are not any problems with the hardware connection.
The complete code is as follows:

* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Example sketch/program showing how to read new NUID from a PICC to serial.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is an MFRC522 library example; for further details and other examples see: https://github.com/miguelbalboa/rfid
* Example sketch/program showing how to the read data from a PICC (that is: an RFID Tag or Card) using an MFRC522 based RFID
* Reader on the Arduino SPI interface.
* When the Arduino and the MFRC522 module are connected (see the pin layout below), load this sketch into Arduino IDE
* then verify/compile and upload it. To see the output: use Tools, Serial Monitor of the IDE (hit Ctrl+Shft+M). When
* you present a PICC (that is: an RFID Tag or Card) at reading distance of the MFRC522 Reader/PCD, the serial output
* will show the type, and the NUID if a new card has been detected. Note: you may see "Timeout in communication" messages
* When removing the PICC from reading distance too early

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