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I'd like to know what is Start Address, Zybo




I'm studying FPGA using verilog in vivado.

I learned information that using mcs makes it easier to program devices.

So, I tried very hard, but I've been failing for more than four days.

I think I know how the process goes.

My board is this : https://digilent.com/reference/programmable-logic/zybo/start


It seems to me that the problem with my current situation is that I don't know the exact Start Address of ZYBO.

And the flash name is also not sure.


If you check on the above site, it is confirmed that S25FL128S / Quad Mode - Single / Quad Mode - Dual Stacked and Dual Parallel. If this is information that doesn't suit me, please tell me.


Thanks for your help.

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Hi @VeriLove,

With a Zynq board you don't have to worry about the start address for the flash memory, unless I am misunderstanding your intended application, though you do need a FSBL (first stage boot loader) because the pins to the flash memory are tied to the processor system, so you do need to add in a Zynq processor in order get a .mcs or .bin file loaded on flash. Xilinx has an answer record describing how to do this here: https://support.xilinx.com/s/article/1015804?language=en_US. If you are using the Digilent board files, you can simply use Digilent's pre-configured Zynq IP.

The flash part you will be selecting is the S25FL128S in single mode. You can also choose quad mode. In the SDK/Vitis side of things when making the FSBL, you don't need to worry about the offset of the FSBL vs the application as the Xilinx software will take care of that for you.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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