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digilent jtag-smt2 broken 3.3v pin



Hi I have this programmer and broke the 3.3v terminal pin so i'm not able to power the board.

unless i can solder somewhere a wire to power the board from vref signal that is the same voltage...

but there is not schematics so can't solve it without your help.

Where should I find a place or info to solve this problem?. just need to know a place where to feed the 3.3v not the whole schematics.




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Hi @eljuli,

Could you attach a picture of your module? I'm not understanding what you mean by broke the 3.3V terminal pin; do you mean the pin 11 pad, Vdd, has been completely removed from the board? This will also help give us a better idea of what options are available to you.


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Hello, thanks for reply. i'll try to explain a bit.

I soldered  some pins to the board(I know this is not the purpose of this board but this is what I have) to program an external fpga board.

the problem is the pad for the 3.3v pin was tear apart so now I don't have a pad to solder a pin and power the board. see attached:

I have vdd pad intact so I guess I can use this pin to feed the 3.3v but if not I can manage to use an extra 3.3v source...





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Hi @eljuli,

I asked one of our design engineers about this and they provided a couple of alternate options, circled in blue, for where you could provide a 3.3V supply. They mentioned that the connection point on C13 would probably be best tie-in point based on physical size alone.




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