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Adept does not find device on Digilent Xilinx board

michael Inbar

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@michael Inbar

Which Spartan 6 board are you attempting to communicate with using a JTAG-HS2? To the best of my knowledge all of our Spartan 6 FPGA boards ship with an onboard JTAG programmer. Also - have you tried using the Xilinx tools? Since you are targeting a Spartan 6 you'd need to use ISE and iMPACT, which are no longer supported in Window ?

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On 8/31/2021 at 2:03 PM, malexander said:

Since you are targeting a Spartan 6 you'd need to use ISE and iMPACT, which are no longer supported in Window

Well not really. I've spent the past 2 months mostly using ISE 14.7 on WIN10. Chipscope doesn't work on Win10, ISIM is wonky and if you catch it in a good mood might get some use out of it, but eventually it will frustrate you the point of giving up. You don't need IMPACT at all. Just use the excellent Digient Adept Utility for Windows to program your board.

I've programmed the ATLYS (Spartan 6) and Genesys (Virtex 5)  from Win10 using the Adept Utility more than a few times, using the HS3 or HS1 since the USB programming connector broke off a while ago. &^$*!^*( SMT USB micro connector!

You might have better luck using ISE on Linux. As I recall, I was using ISE on Centos6 before support for that OS was dropped.

You can go crazy trying to match Xilinx tool version to the exact OS version that they 'officially' support. I suspect that the OS version that any Vivado release says is supported really should be interpreted as "OS version xxxx was the one we tested this release on and we think that you should be able to install it and use it, but we don't want to hear from you if you install the tools on something else...". That's just an impression I've gotten from many many installs on 'something else'.


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