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Which PMODs are compatible with Basys3?




I am putting together a lab for a course using the AMP2 PMOD with a Basys3. I am hoping to use it with the IP Integrator. Does IP exist for AMP2?

I have some students in China that say AMP2 is out of stock and want to use AMP3 instead? Is AMP3 compatible with Basys3 board?

Is there a list of PMODS supported by Basys3 and weather they have IP that can be used in Vivado IP Integrator already working?

Thank you

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1 answer to this question

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Hi @jstander,

There is an IP for the Pmod AMP2; you can see which Pmods we have IPs on our GitHub here: https://github.com/Digilent/vivado-library/tree/master/ip/Pmods. You'll see that there currently is not an IP for the Pmod AMP3.

However, we do not have a list of Pmods that are compatible with the Basys 3 (it depends on if how much space the application takes in a particular version of Vivado and if the combination of Microblaze + the application will fit on the limited space of BRAM present on the Basys 3). Most Pmod IPs should still fit, though I know some of them such as the Pmod WiFi, Pmod SF3, and Pmod MTDS do not fit on the Basys 3.

That being said, the Pmod AMP3 is compatible with the Basys 3, though we have not created an IP that configures the Pmod through I2C commands and then sends data in the I2S format. You could look at the Pmod I2S2 IP that we have though.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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