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Pmod AD1 - bipolar input



Does the AD1 accept bipolar analog input?  Or must the input be 0 to Vdd as expected by the AD7476A?

I'm a little confused as I see the AD1 advertised as "great for audio projects", but then there's a statement that the AD1 can accept an "analog input signal ranging from 0 volts to Vdd".

Is external circuitry required for an audio input?

Thank you,


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2 answers to this question

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Hi @acrifasi,

No, the Pmod AD1 does not accept bipolar inputs, only voltages from 0 to Vdd as you noted. I suspect that line about audio projects was intended to indicate that there were two channels that could be sampled simultaneously (as opposed to sequentially as is the case with other ADCs) but you would only be sampling analog voltages from something like a MEMS microphone, not anything like I2S2 audio data.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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3 minutes ago, JColvin said:

Hi @acrifasi,

No, the Pmod AD1 does not accept bipolar inputs, only voltages from 0 to Vdd as you noted. I suspect that line about audio projects was intended to indicate that there were two channels that could be sampled simultaneously (as opposed to sequentially as is the case with other ADCs) but you would only be sampling analog voltages from something like a MEMS microphone, not anything like I2S2 audio data.

Let me know if you have any questions.


That makes sense.  Thanks for the confirmation.


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