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1000 line limitation in when spying on SPI



Hi everyone,


currently I'm using the Analog Discovery 2 together with Waveforms to spy on a SPI communication link between two micro controllers. One acquires some data via sensors and sends it over to the second to do some computation and receive back the result. The first microcontroller also has other tasks running and freeRTOS is used for scheduling. Right now I do some testing on the reliability of the communication link and sending 10000 packets (each packet means one task round of acquiring sensor data and sending them over and then blocking again) over the link each of them carries a running index which is just a number incremented on the sending micro controller and added to the message the check which packets get lost. When trying to log and afterwards save the data to as csv file I noticed that as soon as I sent more than 1000 packets only the last 1000 packets of the whole communication get saved or even printed to the terminal in the Logic sub menu of Waveform (I also tried to copy and paste them into a text file and checked the line count, which always was 1000, thus I know even the terminal only displays the last 1000 packets). Is there something in the configuration of Waveforms that I miss? All the other parameters seem to match, for example I have as many columns in the csv file as each SPI packet has bytes, and also when sending less than 1000 packets the number of rows in the csv corresponds to the amount of sent packets.


All the best 


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