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Hi All,

     After I did a firmware update I can't auto-connect to my wifi.  

OpenScope v1.301.0
Written by: Keith Vogel, Digilent Inc.
Copyright 2016 Digilent Inc.

File Systems Initialized
MRF24 Info -- DeviceType: 0x2 Rom Version: 0x31 Patch Version: 0xC

USB+:     4703392uV
VCC  3.3: 3297119uV
VRef 3.0: 3000000uV
VRef 1.5: 1501465uV
USB-:    -4662143uV

Using calibration from: flash
Unable to connect to WiFi AP. Error 0xA000001B


Upon further investigation it appears I can't read/wite from flash anymore:

Getting error trying to save calibration:

Calibrating instruments
Connect DCOUT1 to OCS1 and DCOUT2 to OCS2
To connect DCOUT1 to OCS1, wire the solid red wire to the solid orange wire
To connect DCOUT2 to OCS2, wire the solid white wire to the solid blue wire
Enter C when ready
Starting Calibration
Calibration time was: 28177 msec
Do you want to save this calibration Y/N?
Unable to save calibration info for DCOUT1 Error: 0x80000003

When I try to open or read WIFI connections I get this:

Unable to open volumn:

When I add a new connection I get the following:

Please enter PassPhrase for: uware
PSK value: 0F:CE:D2:A1:29:55:E2:6C:31:18:A2:D7:DB:2E:5D:F3:8C:14:82:7F:39:C4:71:99:F3:C7:F2:57:EC:B6:0D:C8
Connected to AP: uware
Would you like to auto-connect to this network? Y/N
Is Linked to the physical network
Link status: 0x0
Network Initialized

My IP:
Gateway IP:
Subnet mask:
Dns0: IP:
Dns1: IP:
Dns2: IP:
Dns3: IP:
My MAC: 00:1E:C0:42:5F:1C

10 Sockets Listening on IP:

Listening Sockets = 10
Error Saving file: WFPARM_001EC0425F1C_uware


When I "View all files names in flash: I get the following:

3. AWG1_FACTORY_001EC0425F1C
4. OSC1_FACTORY_001EC0425F1C
5. OSC2_FACTORY_001EC0425F1C
6. DCOUT1_001EC0425F1C
7. DCOUT2_001EC0425F1C
8. AWG1_001EC0425F1C
9. OSC1_001EC0425F1C
10. OSC2_001EC0425F1C
11. WFPARM_001EC0425F1C_uware
12. NONE_001EC0425F1C_uware


Any suggestions?


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Update:   It looks like it isn't a flash issue but instead an issue caused by updating firmware from v1.37.0 directly to v1.301.0.  I rolled back the Firmware to v1.37.0 and everything is working as before:

OpenScope v1.37.0
Written by: Keith Vogel, Digilent Inc.
Copyright 2016 Digilent Inc.

File Systems Initialized
MRF24 Info -- DeviceType: 0x2 Rom Version: 0x31 Patch Version: 0xC

USB+:     4744799uV
VCC  3.3: 3297119uV
VRef 3.0: 3000000uV
VRef 1.5: 1501465uV
USB-:    -4704927uV

Using calibration from: flash
Found parameter for AP: uware
Connected to AP: uware
Starting Web Server

Enter the number of the operation you would like to do:
1. Enter JSON mode
2. Calibrate the instruments
3. Save the current calibration values
4. Manage your WiFi connections
5. View all files names on the SD card
6. View all files names in flash
7. Set the Oscilloscope input gain

Is Linked to the physical network
Link status: 0x0
Network Initialized

My IP:
Gateway IP:
Subnet mask:
Dns0: IP:
Dns1: IP:
Dns2: IP:
Dns3: IP:
My MAC: 00:1E:C0:42:5F:1C

10 Sockets Listening on IP:

Listening Sockets = 10

Can someone please suggest how to upgrade through all the versions without causing this issue?




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Hi @Ron H,

We were partially able to replicate what you described, though it was in reverse (problem was with 1.37.0 rather than 1.301.0, but regardless there was problems with direct upgrading). What I can recommend (since it's what I did with my own OpenScope MZ over time) is to upgrade to versions more slowly and not make the jump to the latest one in a single go.

Please let me know if you run into any issues.


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Hi @JColvin,

    I was thinking the same thing after I made my last post.   To that end I updated to 1.286.0 which according to the dropdown appears to be the next version.   I got the same results as when I went to 1.301.0.




Image 7-24-20 at 8.17 PM.jpeg

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