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Resources for learning Vivado


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Hello everyone!

I have ordered my first FPGA. I think I understand VHDL (I have been reading some books about it). My problem is with the toolchain. I don't understand how to use Vivado properly, and the information I find online is really confusing and frustrating. Digilent's tutorial about Vivado is good, but doesn't really get into a lot of detail.

What is a good resource for learning Vivado?

I would love to know the syntax of constraints, how IP cores really work, how to simulate and testbench, how to analyze the generated hardware properly...

Thank you very much!

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7 minutes ago, Palmenros said:

the information I find online is really confusing and frustrating

I assume that you've downloaded and installed Vivado. Have you tried looking at the Xilinx Document Navigator to see what tutorials and User Guide's are available there? I suggesting that you start with the vendor's documentation.  You will still be confused and frustrated, but it will be based on a foundation of information.

If you still have specific questions then Digilent's FPGA forum would be a good place to get answers.

12 minutes ago, Palmenros said:

I think I understand VHDL (I have been reading some books about it)

Based on that, I'll presume that you don't understand VHDL or FPGA development. Again, start with the vendor's material. Don't expect to understand everything on a few readings. I do encourage you to adopt the VHDL design source path. The path to understanding is steep and arduous, but well worth the trip.

A problem with other online sources ad tutorials is that usually they are based on older versions of Vivado or ISE which adds to confusion. I've seen a few where they pretended to be using the latest version of Vivado but their own instructions and pictures clearly show that they aren't.

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