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SPI Accelerometer Tester: VHDL, Verilog, or IPI-BD

Tim S.

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Some further updates were made to the VHDL sources to include usage of a Pmod SSD at Pmod Jack A. These updates are committed at branch feature/ssd_with_presets.

Additionally, the FSM diagrams of the aforementioned architecture sketch are now comprehensive in the Documents folder.

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I'd like to mention that within this project I designed in both VHDL-2008 and Verilog-2001 a Pmod SPI Mode 0 driver that enables design of a companion peripheral driver specific to the Peripheral device on the SPI bus.

These two new diagrams may explain how pmod_generic_spi_solo.v or pmod_generic_spi_solo.vhdl, as well as the Peripheral driver coding style, can be reused for each SPI Pmod in the design.


Tim S.








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