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Inconvenience in Midnight Commander



Hello all,

I  add Midnight Commander to my Petalinux

but  can not exit  from mc to the same directory in terminal.

Quit (F10) always lead to the directory from which mc was started.

Keys Ctrl^o does not work here as in the others Linux.

Please advice

- how to exit from the working directory of the mc to the same directory in the terminal?

Thank you.

Best regards,






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7 answers to this question

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Hello @lonel

Thank for your quick reply.


in Debian, Ruspbian, Ubuntu

after Ctrl^o  I go from mc to the same directory of the terminal,

from which I call mc  and  vice versa.

Best regards,









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picocom may be a solution / or putty

example: picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0

with sudo if neccessay

It is best to use linux tools for connecting to  Linux target. and not to mix them up.

You have a GNU/Linux instance to run petalinux, why not connect from it to the target os/board?

Any way, use something that will send keystrokes to the terminal. Usually ^O is shortcut for opening files and is not sent to the target by some tools.

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