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Cannot download and install Digilent Agent

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I just bought an OpenScope MZ and I need help downloading the Digilent Agent. Here is the sequence I followed and problems I encountered:

1. followed the directions from the web site: https://reference.digilentinc.com/learn/instrumentation/tutorials/openscope-mz/getting-started

2. this site, gives a link for Windows. The link given was: https://resources.digilentinc.com/digilent-agent-v1-2-3-exe/?_ga=2.37294240.1471654216.1587263945-1669883515.1587263945

When I click this link, the browser "gives-up" with a page not found. 

3. Apparently the URL of step #2, was redirecting to another site; the new URL was: https://resources.digilentinc.com/digilent-agent-v1-2-3-exe/adfs/adfs/adfs/adfs/adfs/adfs/adfs/adfs/adfs/adfs/adfs/adfs/adfs/adfs/adfs/adfs/adfs/adfs/adfs/adfs/index.html

This tells me that it tries to authenticate from somewhere.

4. I went to GitHub and attempted to get a copy of the Agent from there: no luck -- not available.

I tried multiple things such as:

   A. clearing the cache of the Browser

  B. Using a different Browser (Chrome, Edge, Explorer)

  C. Using three different machines

  D. Moving to an iMAC

NOTHING WORKED. Can someone give me a copy of the Digilent Agent for Windows 10? A link? Anything?

By the way, I connected with the Serial Port at 1,250,000 baud; I was able to configure the WiFi. But the firmware needs to be updated which requires the Digilent Agent to be running. So frustrating...

Please help!

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Hi @GeoKon and @BrianF,

I have verified that the links are not working; I was hoping that it would be as simple as turning off the ad-blocker on my browser since that has been a problem in the past for me, but no luck on that front.

I have reached out to our web team to get this resolved since I presume it is a server side issue.

Thank you for your patience,

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Hi @GeoKon and @BrianF,

The server side got rolled back and we're looking into it but here are some links that I tested that should still work:




Let me know if you have any questions about this.


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Hi JColvin

You are great helping me and BrianF.

I was able to use the first link and download the Agent. I initially got a Windows 10 error "0x000012f" but the service started functioning. I was able to update the firmware and run the oscilloscope.

I am good for now. Million thanks for your help!!!


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