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Cmod S6 configuration




I tried to configure Spartan 6 FPGA on Cmod S6 Board. I want to use Impact (ISE14.7) and a Xilinx USB platform cable (also tried with Digilent USB JTAG cable HS3). I allways get trouble with initialize chain (cable problem). I think this is due to missed TMS signal on connector J4. How I have to connect the JTAG cable (TDI cable -> TDI FPGA, TDO cable -> TDO FPGA, TCK cable -> TCK FPGA, VREF cable -> VCC3V3, GND cable -> GND Cmod S6 board)? LED of Xilinx platform cable USB II is green when I plug in the Cmod S6 board into USB port.

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3 answers to this question

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Hi @sgliem@gmx.de,

Do you also have the Digilent Plugin for ISE, https://store.digilentinc.com/digilent-plugin-for-xilinx-tools-download-only/? This allows iMPACT/ISE to work with the Digilent programming circuitry. As noted on that page I linked, depending on your OS, you'll Digilent's free Adept software as well: https://reference.digilentinc.com/reference/software/adept/start.

Additionally for what it's worth, you don't need either the JTAG HS3 or the Xilinx USB Platform cable to configure the Cmod S6 as it already has the necessary programming circuitry built into the board.

Let me know if you have any questions about this.


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Hi @sgliem@gmx.de,

No, the Adept software is not part of the Cmod S6. Rather, the programming circuitry that allows the Xilinx tools to recognize the Cmod S6 is already built into the Cmod S6. This same circuitry (or at least similar circuitry) is also incorporated into the JTAG HS3 and the Xilinx Platform Cable USB II.

Xilinx iMPACT (or Digilent's Adept software) will let you download a bitstream that was generated by ISE to the Cmod S6, yes.

Let me know if you have any more questions.


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