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I am trying to run scripts, but I haven't been able to find a good complete set of instructions/reference manual
Got the ECMA-262 manual and waveform 2015 ref. man. documents but neither tell me how to make a while loop that will stop when I press a key.

Also, why the data is not getting updated




// reading 50 times, 5 seconds plus




// acquire data




data = Scope1.Channel2.data;



thresholdLow -= 0.01;

thresholdHigh = thresholdLow - 0.01;

data.forEach(function(sample){if((sample < thresholdLow)&&(sample > thresholdHigh))counter[index]++;});// build histogram

} //index




} // loops




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Hi @tomas61

You can use the wait() function or instrument.wait() or dialog like Tool.question() .getNumber() ...
See the examples or the Help tab in the application.

while(var i = 0; i < 10 && wait(1.5); i++) { ....

if(Scope.wait()) throw "Stopped"

if(!Tool.question("Continue?")) throw "Abort"




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Thanks Attila,

But most importantly, why the variable data is not getting updated


It only works with the first set of data 



// reading 50 times, 5 seconds plus


{// acquire data



data = Scope1.Channel2.data;



thresholdLow -= 0.01;

thresholdHigh = thresholdLow - 0.01;

data.forEach(function(sample){if((sample < thresholdLow)&&(sample > thresholdHigh))counter[index]++;});// build histogram

} //index

} // loops




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Hi @tomas61

The data should be the data from the last capture.

You are performing 10x10 captures and the thresholdLow is decremented for each capture by 8x0.01 The threshold value for last capture will be 7.92 lower than for the first capture. You may want to initialize it for each capture.

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One more, can you send an example on how to plot data from the script, keep getting parse error when trying "plot1.Y2.data[] = lData;"

if(!('Scope1' in this)) throw "Please open a Scope instrument";


if(!Scope1.wait()) throw "Stopped";

var average = 0;

var lData = Scope1.Channel1.data;

plot1.Y2.data[] = lData;

lData.forEach(function(sample){average += sample;})

average /= data.length;

print("Average: "+average+" V");


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Hi Attila,


Why the  "

var data = Scope1.Channel2.data;

if(!Scope1.wait()) throw "Stopped";

plot1.Y1.data = data;" is different than the data displayed in the scope


how do I plot a bidimensional array



Script plot.png

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how do I format a number to display only two decimal points in print


will print this


What is the base language you use for script, (java, python, etc)

This would be so much easier with a good user manual


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How do I define bi dimensional arrays?

var peakCounter = [];

var peakCounter = [][]; ---syntax error


var peakCounter = [,];---doesn't give me a syntax error but it doesn't work, it only follows the index after the comma


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On 5/18/2020 at 8:28 AM, attila said:

Hi @tomas61

See the Help tab, press F1 or Browse under Help menu.

1. To round a number to 2 decimals you can use: round(value*100)/100
2. To format the number for text conversion use: value.toFixed(2)


Hi @attila

What is equivalent to "Ctrl+Space" combination key if I use Waveforms in a Mac laptop? Thk ! 

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