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Everything posted by tomas61

  1. Thanks Any way to send data to google sheets?
  2. How do I define bi dimensional arrays? var peakCounter = []; var peakCounter = [][]; ---syntax error var peakCounter = [,];---doesn't give me a syntax error but it doesn't work, it only follows the index after the comma Thanks
  3. Thanks how do I format a number to display only two decimal points in print print(totalCounter); will print this 2.2000000000000006 What is the base language you use for script, (java, python, etc) This would be so much easier with a good user manual
  4. How do I use the plot1.Y1 to display an array var peakBar = []; plot2.Y1.peakBar; also can I plot two or more data sets in a single plot window Tomas
  5. Hi Attila, Why the " var data = Scope1.Channel2.data; if(!Scope1.wait()) throw "Stopped"; plot1.Y1.data = data;" is different than the data displayed in the scope how do I plot a bidimensional array Thanks
  6. Thanks One more, can you send an example on how to plot data from the script, keep getting parse error when trying "plot1.Y2.data[] = lData;" if(!('Scope1' in this)) throw "Please open a Scope instrument"; Scope1.single(); if(!Scope1.wait()) throw "Stopped"; var average = 0; var lData = Scope1.Channel1.data; plot1.Y2.data[] = lData; lData.forEach(function(sample){average += sample;}) average /= data.length; print("Average: "+average+" V");
  7. Yep, you were right, the bins weren't getting filled because my threshold was too big Where do you get the info for commands like "Tool,question..." Is there a main language reference book/document Thanks
  8. Thanks Attila, But most importantly, why the variable data is not getting updated It only works with the first set of data for(outLoops=0;outLoops<10;outLoops++) { // reading 50 times, 5 seconds plus for(loops=0;loops<10;loops++) {// acquire data Scope1.single(); Scope1.wait(); data = Scope1.Channel2.data; for(index=0;index<8;index++) { thresholdLow -= 0.01; thresholdHigh = thresholdLow - 0.01; data.forEach(function(sample){if((sample < thresholdLow)&&(sample > thresholdHigh))counter[index]++;});// build histogram } //index } // loops
  9. I am trying to run scripts, but I haven't been able to find a good complete set of instructions/reference manual Got the ECMA-262 manual and waveform 2015 ref. man. documents but neither tell me how to make a while loop that will stop when I press a key. Also, why the data is not getting updated for(outLoops=0;outLoops<10;outLoops++) { // reading 50 times, 5 seconds plus for(loops=0;loops<10;loops++) { // acquire data Scope1.single(); Scope1.wait(); data = Scope1.Channel2.data; for(index=0;index<8;index++) { thresholdLow -= 0.01; thresholdHigh = thresholdLow - 0.01; data.forEach(function(sample){if((sample < thresholdLow)&&(sample > thresholdHigh))counter[index]++;});// build histogram } //index } // loops
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