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OpenScope Arduino compile errors

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I am trying to use the Arduino tools to customize  OpenScope code. I followed direction from Git Readme.md file on https://github.com/Digilent/openscope-mz.

Using Arduino 1.6.9 Verify/Compile produces the following errors.


Link Error: Could not allocate section '.rgLOGICBuff.rgLOGICBuff.rgLOGICBuff' at 0x80070000 SIZE 65536

 Link Error: Could not allocate section '.rgAWGBuff.rgAWGBuff.rgAWGBuff' at 0x80060000 SIZE 65536

 Link Error: Could not allocate section '.rgOSC2Buff.rgOSC2Buff.rgOSC2Buff' at 0x80050000 SIZE 65536

 Link Error: Could not allocate section '.rgOSC1Buff.rgOSC1Buff.rgOSC1Buff' at 0x80040000 SIZE 65536

 Link Error: Could not allocate data memory

collect2.exe: error: ld returned 255 exit status

exit status 255
Error compiling for board Digilent OpenScope.

Any thoughts?

Thanks - JHall

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Hi @JHall,

Unfortunately, we do not have a lot of advice with regards to using Arduino IDE with the OpenScope MZ as shown as in these threads here, here, and here.

However, I tested this on Arduino IDE 1.6.9 and was successfully able to compile the project. Did you close the Arduino IDE after adding the Digilent Core and the OpenScope material? Additionally, I didn't do the git clone of the material; I simply downloaded the .zip file, and extracted/moved the files from within 'openscope-mz-master' to an empty file folder called "OpenScope" in the Arduino libraries folder (again, making sure that the Arduino IDE is either closed during this operation or either restarted after this move has happened). I then opened the OpenScope.ino file from Arduino IDE 1.6.9, and was successfully able to compile the material as is, though not upload since the incorrect bootloader is currently on my board.


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Hi JColvin,

As you suggested, I closed Arduino IDE, deleted the project and libs, got a new copy from the .zip, and now it compiles! Thanks

Now when I upload I get from Arduino IDE I get:

Comm Port: COM15
Baud rate set to: 115200
Checksum failed
Unable to signon, this does not look like a bootloader


This is a new board. It has not been reprogrammed yet. According to WaveformLive firmware is up to date. The board functions as a scope.

How do I load a bootloader?

Do I try to "Recover an OpenScope MZ with Corrupt Firmware"?

Thanks JHall.

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Hi @JHall,

If you wanted to upload a bootloader to the OpenScope MZ, you would need an ICSP programmer (such as the chipKIT PGM or a picKIT3) to program the .hex file that contains the bootloader in the Firmware section on the right-hand side of the OpenScope MZ Resource Center via JP2 on the OpenScope MZ. There is a guide on how to update the bootloader here.

It is critical that you only use this .hex file via the ICSP connection; if you attempt to load the unifed .hex file with the bootloader rather than the .hex file that does not contain the bootloader via WaveFormsLive, the OpenScope MZ will not function correctly if you use the wrong one.

The other thing I will mention is that the Arduino IDE material is for an older firmware (1.296 rather than the current 1.301.0); the only change I can find that happened though is documented here: https://github.com/Digilent/openscope-mz/commit/fac636014a6166db18889101563dcbd761c73ba9, so since the change is only in HTMLPostCmd.cpp, the material should still work over the Digilent Agent via USB, though I'm not certain if it would still work over WiFi.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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