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Dear Team of Digilent.

I am currently working with an MZ OpenScope with the Arduino IDE.

I was able to load the Blink program on the shield.

But now I am limited, because of the OpenScope.h file I only found some pin declared.

// some gpio pins
#define PIN_SD_DET PORTD, (1 << 1) // RD1, pin 36

#define PIN_INT_MRF PORTG, (1 << 8) // RG8, pin 59
#define PIN_HIB_MRF LATD, (1 << 13) // RD13, pin 60
#define PIN_RST_MRF LATA, (1 << 4) // RA4, pin 61
#define PIN_WP_MRF LATA, (1 << 14) // RA14, pin 62

#define PIN_LED_1 LATJ, (1 << 4) // RJ4, pin 13
#define PIN_LED_2 LATJ, (1 << 2) // RJ2, pin 48
#define PIN_LED_3 LATJ, (1 << 1) // RJ1, pin 49
#define PIN_LED_4 LATJ, (1 << 0) // RJ0, pin 50

#define PIN_BTN1 PORTG, (1 << 12) // G12 pin 42

#if defined (NO_IO_BUS)
    #define PIN_CS_SD U3STA, (1 << 13) // U3STAbits.UTXINV
    #define PIN_CS_MRF U4STA, (1 << 13) // U4STAbits.UTXINV
    #define PIN_CS_SD LATD, (1 << 14) // RD14, pin 52
    #define PIN_CS_MRF LATB, (1 << 15) // RB15, pin 56

Will they have the complete PinOut table of the OpenScope for the Arduino developers?

I want to make programs with digital outputs and analog inputs.

Thank you very much.


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Hey Miguel,

The OpenScope is programmable from the Arduino IDE, but it does not implement the full Arduino API (the Arduino functions like digitalRead(), digitalWrite(), etc).  Most Arduino functions are designed to be very easy to use and are not very efficient.  Our OpenScope MZ firmware pushes the PICMZ to the limits and Arduino style functions were not nearly performant enough to develop our firmware.

If you want to write custom firmware for the OpenScope MZ you'll need to develop an understanding of the PICMZ architecture and how to read and write registers to control the various peripherals.  The OpenScope MZ firmware is a great example of this approach.


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4 hours ago, Kristoff said:

Hola Miguel,

OpenScope es programable desde Arduino IDE, pero no implementa la API Arduino completa (las funciones Arduino como digitalRead (), digitalWrite (), etc.). La mayoría de las funciones Arduino están diseñadas para ser muy fáciles de usar y no son muy eficientes. Nuestro firmware OpenScope MZ lleva el PICMZ al límite y las funciones de estilo Arduino no fueron lo suficientemente efectivas como para desarrollar nuestro firmware.

Si desea escribir un firmware personalizado para OpenScope MZ, tendrá que desarrollar una comprensión de la arquitectura PICMZ y de cómo leer y escribir registros para controlar los diversos periféricos. El firmware OpenScope MZ es un gran ejemplo de este enfoque.


Hello @Kristoff

I found the file ChipKtipins.txt and apparently it works very well. Attached.

You are right, it is very likely that they will not work 100%

For now I have reset a sequential with the 8 GPIO outputs.

Attached video.




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On 2018/1/23 at 12:39 AM, Kristoff said:

Hey Miguel,

The OpenScope is programmable from the Arduino IDE, but it does not implement the full Arduino API (the Arduino functions like digitalRead(), digitalWrite(), etc).  Most Arduino functions are designed to be very easy to use and are not very efficient.  Our OpenScope MZ firmware pushes the PICMZ to the limits and Arduino style functions were not nearly performant enough to develop our firmware.

If you want to write custom firmware for the OpenScope MZ you'll need to develop an understanding of the PICMZ architecture and how to read and write registers to control the various peripherals.  The OpenScope MZ firmware is a great example of this approach.


Dear @Kristoff

   Consider this.Can you give us a MPLAB X project with OpenScopeMZ firmware.Then we can do some IO thing  and others with it?Thanks .

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