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Logic Detector as trigger in Scope. Is it possible?




Can be "Logic Detector" added to trigger menu in "Scope" instrument?
I use this workaround in WaveForms V3.11.7 (beta, Windows, 64 bit):
1. In AD2 settings set "Trigger 1" to "Logic Detector"
2. In "Scope" use "Trigger 1" as trigger.

With best regards, Mikhail.




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WaveForms 3.20.36, DigitalDiscovery 

After reopening project:
Digital IO pulls:
+ saved/restored
- not shown actual state by sliders
DIN pull:
- not saved/always restored as "down"
DIO drive/DIO slew:
+ saved/restored
In record mode always fills only in first buffer.

With best regards, Mikhail.

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Hi Mikhail,

In order to reduce the size of the project/workspace and improve save/load times, the buffers are only used for repeated captures, which are usually done with less samples.
Please add the recordings/captures you are interested in to tabs (green +) to save them.

The DIO/DIN option save/load is fixed in the latest:


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WaveForms 3.21.17, AD3

When I tried to calibrate the AD3, the power supplies behaved strangely.
After calibration using the Wizard, the specified and measured voltages differed by 0.1 volt. The quality indicator switched between red and green.
Then I calibrated the power supplies individually and everything returned to normal.

With best regards, Mikhail.

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WaveForms 3.21.18, AD3

Tools: oscilloscope and AWG.

When I set the offset of channel C1 (so that I can see it higher on the screen), the signal that pass the C1 filter and in the AWG is also shifted up by this value.
Those. I raised channel C1 by 1 volt up on the screen and the signal that comes out from the AWG (basic, source C1, amplitude 100%, offset 0.0) rose by 1 volt. I watch the AWG signal on another device.

Is this right?

With best regards, Mikhail.

I want to install a radiator on Spartan-7. I think 70-75°C is too hot. Please tell me the distance between the screws on the case. I think it's about 65-70mm. 
Done. The holes are located at the corners of a 71.12mm (2.8") square. I used CNC to remove pads with a diameter of 6 mm to a depth of 0.5 mm and gained access to the screws without peeling off the label. If you use a cutter with a diameter of 1 mm, you can cut to a depth of 1 mm.

Edited by m72
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WaveForms 3.21.18, AD3

"Digital input options: digital, analog only or both".

When I select "analog only", the digital sub-window submenu (digital samples and frequency) disappears from the Options menu in the right toolbar.

On the one hand, there is logic in this. The sampling rate and sample count can be the same as for the analog part (64k samples for a digitized single signal, like 1-wire, that's interesting). But there is no menu or correspondence to real analog parameters. It seems to me that the transfer of these parameters from the analog part to the digital part has been lost.

With best regards, Mikhail.

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WaveForms 3.21.19, AD3
Tool: oscilloscope

When I select "record" and "analog only", the analog and digital channel graphs do not match each other. The trigger positions match, but the start and end do not.
In the recording parameters, the trigger is equal to 10%.
With “digital only” and “digital and analog” modes everything is correct.

With best regards, Mikhail.



Edited by m72
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Posted (edited)


WaveForms 03.21.19, Digital Discovery

Something is wrong with PLL. In patterns I set the pulse "low 30k", "high 10k", "divisor 1".
At 100 MHz it works normally, the pulse duration is 100 μs, the period is 400 μs.
At 50 MHz, the width is 333 μs, the period is 1333 μs.
This also affects measurements in the logic analyzer.

WF 3.20.26 - works fine.

With best regards, Mikhail.

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When you turn off any channel of the oscilloscope, the list of digital channels is deformed (dramatic collapse).
Please also check other modes. If a channel is not available (analog in "digital only" or digital in "analog only"), it is not marked as unavailable, but is replaced by another.

Regards, Mikhail.


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Hi @m72

The given names of the signals are not updated automatically when changing inputs or devices.
The next sw version will update them if they start with the default names, DIO, DIN or Sc.

Edit: Only the enabled analog channels are digitized.

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Hi @m72

Thank you for the observation.
This version expects a return in the last line or something that it can return... I wanted to have this rule for some (math, measurement...) scripts, unfortunately it is applied for all scripts in the app.
This should work:

// Find I2C devices
// array to store the present adresses
var rgadr = [];
if(Clear()!=true)  return "I2C bus error. Check the pull-ups.";
for(var i = 8; i < 120 && wait(); i++){
    //Write(address) return true when acknowledged
    var f = Write(i);
    if(f == true) rgadr.push("0x"+i.toString(16));
if(rgadr.length) return rgadr;
return "No I2C device found";


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